Chapter 47 - Class of 1978

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"THREE!.... TWO!.... ONE!" Albus Dumbledores voice echoed through the hall counting down. "CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 1978! WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!"

The students threw their hats into the air, the school insisted on each student buying a certain witches hat for graduation. Hundreds of hats flew in the air celebrating their last and final day at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. They broke out into cheers, tears and fits of laughter.

"If you would join each other and come together to watch this terrible quality of film we have collected over your time at hogwarts." Albus pressed a button waiting for it to begin.

Around the room there were pictures of the students laughing, studying, playing quidditch, revising and other activities they had done.

The film began to play.


Lily looked over at James smiling and giggling at their first year selves.

"Come on mate, leave carrot top alone would you?"

Sirius made eye contact with Lily laughing quietly.

Other students were shown in their first year, running after one another, gossiping in the halls, talking in classes, running from the whomping willow.

"Thank god I made it away, I reckon it would've landed me in the hospital wing for weeks if I hadn't." A Ravenclaw whispered to the Slytherin sat next to them.

Second year began to play.

"Don't be too long Lupin, we need your brains for this next one!" James shouted over to Remus as he left outside of school grounds.

The next scene showed a confused Snape who had became soaking wet within seconds.

"Oh my Merlin, Potter, the nerve you have. He'll freeze!" Lily shouted running to get a professor.


"Ah, our first detention of the year that caused. Became rather close that year." James muttered to Sirius who nodded with a smirk.

"Worth it though."

The film continued playing showing the four boys distancing in their third year but suddenly talking again and spending time in the library in their forth. Other students shown had been caught pranking professor Slughorn but it back firing.

"LETS LEAVE THE PRANKING TO THE PROFESSIONALS YEAH?" Peter shouted causing students to laugh before going silent to continue watching themselves grow up.

Amelia came into the film in the fifth year scenes, their April fools prank played followed by shaking heads from the professors. Laughter filling the hall as students watched themselves grow up slowly becoming the skilful witches and wizards they are today. Pranks were pulled and tears flowed as they went through the years.

The time has pasted quicker then they could of ever imagined.

It felt like yesterday they were walking through the hall up to the sorting hat.

As the film came to an end students cheered and cried and made their way around looking at pictures of themselves.

Lily throwing food at James.
Athena collecting rocks and pebbles for Peters collection.
Sirius and Amelia looking at constellations and stars in Astronomy.
Narcissa playing music, dancing with first years to cheer them up.
Remus reading books to the second years after nightmares.
Lucius and Severus studying for their potions exams.
Alina running around with Xenophilius Lovegood in the halls.

Many photographs were stuck around the room, students walked around to search for themselves.

Sirius had made his way over to Minerva.
"You're all grown up Sirius, i'm sure you'll do great things." She smiled at him as he stepped up to her height.

"Oh I wouldn't count on that, he's not as mature as you think." James joined them leaning on Sirius. "Older then me but still shorter ay?"

"I hate you." Sirius started blankly at James.

"A party without us? I'm hurt, here I was thinking we were friends." Remus stepped towards them with a grin on his face and a hand to his heart.

"Wrong side Moony, you boys really are awful at autonomy huh?" Amelia walked over soo followed by Marlene and Lily.

"Alice is of collecting her plants from the green house, some needed to stay there as long as possible." Lily walked over to James placing an arm on his shoulder as an attempt to use him as an arm rest, this failed and instead he used her as one.

"Oh how you all grow up so fast." Minerva looked at her students with a smile and tears in her eyes. "Keep them out of trouble for me, and this one too." She looked at the boys then Amelia. "And let's not gift her anymore sharp objects, we do not need a re-enactment of the fifth year incident." They laughed before hugging the professor.

"Aw no need to cry Minnie,' Peter smiled. "I'm sure one of us will end up back here."

"Yeah, maybe after I retire from quidditch I could come here and coach." Marlene smiled at Minerva. Marlene was hoping to go into quidditch professionally after the war, it wasn't suspected to go on for much longer. She was definitely good enough to make a living out of it she preferred the role of beater over chaser so she was aiming for that. She had managed to bag the position her last two years anyway.

"Hey! I'd like to put forward now, if there is ever an opening I am always happy to help. Not only after I retire." James spoke stepping forward slightly. James was also looking to become a professional quidditch player, however he was happy with the position of chaser but willing to give seeker a go if needed to. He had the skill to go big too it was just waiting out the war.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. If any of you do struggle finding a job i'm sure Albus would be happy to have our favourite students back."

"Here that, i'm the favourite." Amelia smiled smugly before being tapped lightly by James.

"We've been here longer, don't forget-"

"I'm going to stop this now. I believe that Albus mentioned he would like to speak to the lot of you and some other students. It's about the offer he had spoken to you all about. Please, for the love of Merlin, consider the fact that you are putting yourselves in dangerous positions. You could die if you take the offer, please consider saying no. I don't want to outlive you trouble makers."

They laughed and nodded before making their way to Albus' office.


"Sirius, you take one for step out that door and i'm following right behind you!" Amelia's voice screamed. "I MEAN IT SIRIUS! I'LL FIND A WAY! GOD HELP YOU IF YOU AREN'T BACK FOR DINNER!" Her voice echoed through the flat.

"I know love, i'll be fine. PLEASE JUST STAY HERE!" Sirius screamed back before grabbing his wand and leaving the apartment. He had tied her to the cupboard and locked all the doors to buy himself some time to help.

"SIRIUS! NO, NO, DON'T GO PLEASE! NO!" She cried, the pain in her voice could be sensed from miles but he had already left.

Authors note: Ok, I know this one is a lot shorter BUT i'm working on writing more then one before publishing one chapter so hopefully they get out quicker whilst still being between 1000 and 4000 words.

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