Chapter 22 - Christmas Ball

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Marlene P.O.V

Me, Lils, A and Cissy all waltzed through the doors and down the stair case. The room had been decorated with Christmas trees, white table cloth, mistletoe and so much more. They even had a chandelier to really add to the ball theme.

"I've never been to a ball, this looks amazing though." Lily said looking up at the decoration.
"I know right! It looks fantastic," Cissy agreed. "Thank you." She added, we all looked at her confused. "For being so nice and friendly to me, I know our friend groups dont exactly get along nor our families; I'm glad you guys managed to look past that and see what a badass bitch I am." We all chuckled and hugged her.

"Ofcourse. We will always be here," Lily said pulling away from the hug.

"Always?" Cissy asked nervously.

"Always." We confirmed.

I turned around seeing Mary.
"Hey..." She said shyly. "You look gorgeous..."
"Hi..." I replied. "Thank you. So do you."
"Wanna dance?" She asked. I looked at the girls who sent me a thumbs up. I turned my attention back to Mary and nodded, she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dance floor. We danced free style and even did a ballroom dance during the posh music when we had to.
"Hey Mary, come here! You've been with her all night!" Somebody shouted who I assume to be Marys friend.
"Because shes my date you idiot!" She shouted back. Her friends sent her a weird look. "As friends ofcourse," she added and they nodded.

"Sorry, I'm not ready to come out to them yet." She muttered looking at the floor. I pulled her arm and dragged her out near the fountain, we could still hear the music faintly.
"Its ok. I understand you havent dolphins them yet, you dont need to if you dont want to. My friends think I've got a crush on you, they dont know we're dating yet anyway. We can tell people when you ready." I said pushing some hair behind her ear. She looked up into my eyes and smiled; within seconds she pulled me into her embrace hugging me muttering "thank you" into my shoulder. I smiled and we walked back into the great hall.
"Come on Mary. I'm sure she doesnt mind." Her friend said grabbing her arm.
"Exactly, you've been with her all night." Another said as they pulled her away. She sent an apologetic smile my way and I turned to find my friends.

After searching for a while, I finally found them. They asked what happened with Mary and I told them that we needed some fresh air leaving out the parts about our relationship.

"Blimy this is boring." Lily said fake yawning.
"Tell me about it." Cissy agreed.
"Fuck this." A said throwing her hands into the air after downing her drink quickly. "Let's dance."

We turned around to head to the dance floor but were surrounded by Potter and his friends.

"Dance with me Lily flower?" Potter asked her.

"No chance in hell after the stunt you just pulled." She pushed past him leaving him in shock. Normally she would insult him or something but she genuinely seemed fed up with it. I looked at the girls and they nodded agreeing that I should go check on her while they delt with the boys. I nodded and made my way in the direction she went.

After searching for 10 minutes I found her by the food table.
"Hey," she mumbled.
"Hi Lils," I said offering her a smile. "You wanna talk about it?" She shook her head.

There was a silence.

"I just dont get it, one minute he's acting all nice and the next he's back to being an arrogant, selfish child. Fuck this. Let's dance." She rushed and grabbed my arm pulling me away from the food.

"Oh don't give me that look, you can eat later." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine," I huffed. "Only cause you're sad and mad right now."

We walked over to the dance floor sing the lyrics as we danced. The song was ending as we heard screaming coming from the room somewhere.

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