Chapter 18 - Shopping

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December 12th 1974

Amelias P.O.V

"Hey A! I was wondering-" Sirius said running towards me.

"Pads? Who you talking to?" Peter asked walking over with Potter and Remus.
"Yeah who is this A?" Potter asked. "Wait wait wait! Why is he calling you A?! I THOUGHT WE COULDNT KNOW YOUR NAME?!" Potter said his voice growing louder and more frustrated. I burst out with laughter.

"Relax boys. Shouldnt you be of somewhere finding dates?" Peter and Remus rolled their eyes, letting outa frustrated groan."Talk to you later kids!" I shouted and began walking of.

"WE ARE PROBABLY OLDER THEN YOU JONES!" Peter voice echoed through the halls causing me to chuckle slightly.

I carried on walking to the great hall like I was before getting stopped by Bla- Sirius. Before getting stopped by Sirius.

I walked through the doors and made my way over to the girls.

"Heyyyy! You ready to go shopping?" Alice asked me as she finished some toast.

"Yeah. Just grabbing some breakfast quick then we can go." I replied with a smile.

"Still no date?" Marlene questioned.

"Yeah but it's fine. Thinking of going solo anyway," I let out a small laugh.

"Why dont you go with Malfoy?" Lily asked. I gave her a death stare. "Or not then." Alice chuckled. "How about Wood? He said you two could go as friends."

"Nah, I'll pass. However-" I was talking when somebody tapped my shoulder.

"Oh hi Lucius." I said sending him a smile.

"You never got back to me on the whole being my date. I was wondering if you've decided yet?" He asked. Honestly, yes he is a dickhead but I do sort of feel bad.

"I thought about it and I'm sorry but I dont think I'm going to go with someone." I said with a weak smile. He nodded and started to walk of when I grabbed his arm.

"You should try asking Narcissa though. I have a feeling she'll say yes." I whispered to him. A smile grew on his face as he sent me a thankful look. I sat back down and he walked of to his table.

"Right! Anyway, let's go shall we?"  Marlene said. Shes clearly excited for this.

"We shall." Alice replied causing us to chuckle at the posh tone in her voice.

We stood up and made our way to the door. Marlene had a jump in her step so I assume Mary said yes. Lily had a slight smile obviously excited for the ball. Alice was just as excited as the rest.

"Hey Jones! Can I speak to you?" I turned around to see who's voice it was. Hoping and wishing it's not Regulus.

"Ofcourse Reg. Can it wait though? I'm going shopping."

"It can wait but I'd rather get it over with now." I looked at him confused.

"Can we put the summer behind us? The whole summer. The sneaking out. The swimming. The partying. The drinking. The smoking. The sex. All of it." I smiled at him.

"Sure. See you later!" I said and began walking of back to the girls.

"THE SEX!?" Lily loudly whispered.

"Relax. Like I said. It was just a fling." I replied dragging her to the train.

Lily wouldnt stop going on about how irresponsible I am for doing that with him, basically judging me the whole time.

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