Chapter 20 - Getting ready

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Me and Lily walked into our dormitory to find Marlene and Alice. Marlene looked like she had just got out the shower and Alice was about to get in.

"Ah, looks who's finally arrived!" Marlene announced. I rolled my eyes and made my way to my bed.

"No." She said.
I looked at her confused.

"Get up now. Alice is about to get in the shower so go check your dress and heals etc."

I didn't move.

"Now! You too Lily! I know we're going to be fashionably late but I dont want to get there as it ends!" She huffed. "We all have silk dressing gowns for after showers, the woman from the store sent them along with some champagne. She said not to tell others though or she'll get into trouble. Oh also not to have too much." Marlene was already in her silk dressing gown. Along with wearing her fluffy slippers as she did her hair.

I stood up and made my way over to her. "Here let me help," I said while taking hold of her hair.

"Thanks," she said smiling.

"I'm done! Somebody else can get in now," Alice announced as she walked in.

"Amelia you can get in. You take longest and I need find my shoes still." Lily said. I nodded and smiled as I made my way to the shower.

Narcissa Blacks P.O.V

"BELLA!! Are you going to the party?!" I shouted from the bathroom.

"No! I'll stay here!" She shouted back.

"Ok! I'm going to get ready with some friends! I'll talk to you later!"

I left my dormitory and made my way through the portrait hole. I had my dress, make up, shoes and some spare clothes since I'm probably going to stay with the girls tonight.

I walked through the deserted hallways. The sun shining through the arch ways as it set. The stone floor shining as the golden light hits it, I said hello to some of the paintings and made my way up the marble stairs; towards the fat lady portrait.

"Password?" She asked. I smiled.

"Hippogriff," she smiled and let me through.
I always get along with the paintings, they're really nice if you actually stop and talk with them.

I walked through the portrait and made my way to the girls dormitory stairs.

"Ew what are you doing here?!" A girl spat as I walked past.
"Getting ready." I said and continued my way to the girls dorm. It's pointless snapping back and I only have 2 hours left to get ready.

"Heyyyyyy," I said as I walked into the dorm.

"Ahhh! Cissy your here!" Alice said as a huge smile climbed her face. I smiled at the happy girl and made my way to the wardrobe, to hang my dress for the time being.

"Wheres A?" I asked.
"Shes in the shower. Let's see your dress," Marlene replied. I laughed slightly as I went to pull out the dress.

"Not looking at dresses without me girls?" Lily said as she entered the room and gave me a hug. "I'm glad you decided to get ready with us."

"Me too."

The bathroom door opened and there stood A. She ran over and gave me a hug.
"Decided to join us Gryffindors then." She said with a smile. We all let out a laugh and continued to get ready.

Marlene was doing outfit checks, Lily giving us the speech of "not drinking" and "staying safe", A checked our hair and makeup; whilst Alice played some music on Lilys muggle thing. I was looking for our wands incase anything happened.

Remus P.O.V

"PRONGS! I SWEAR TO MERLIN IF YOU SPEND ANYMORE TIME CHECKING YOUR HAIR IN THE BLOODY MIRROR IM GOING TO SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!" I shouted across the room. He had been stood there for around an hour because it needed to be "perfect".

"Bloody hell Moony, relax mate!" Wormtail said as they chuckled. I rolled my eyes and continued to get ready.

"So let's get this straight." I said. They all looked at me. "Prongs is actually going with Lily." Prongs nodded. "And you didnt give her a potion?" I asked unsure. He rolled his eyes and threw a book at me.

"HEY! This is my favourite book you dick!" I shouted throwing it back.

"I'm aware." Prongs said emphasising the aware.

"Oh deer! Not again." I said, causing us to laugh at the puns.

"Padfoot still ain't got a date though," Prongs added shaking his head.

"The Sirius Black without a date! That's a first," Wormtail announced moving of his bed and towards the shower. He closed the door before Padfoot managed to reach him.

"So what?! I was going to ask someone but decided not to."

"Awh, did Jones reject you? Boohoo," Prongs said as he tapped his back; whilst I held back a laugh.

"Fuck of you three!" He shouted.

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