Chapter 35 - Exams

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"Honestly, I can't believe you guys are studying this close to the exams! They are literally in half an hour," Lily flipped through some of her notes glaring at the boys every so often.

"Well we've just been so very busy with-" James stopped for a moment trying to figure out the word.

"With what?"


Rolling her eyes she turned back to her notes passing some to Alice. Amelia and Marlene weren't around due to them running off earlier, something about needing to find someone.


"Hey Reg," Amelia walked over to him. He was sat at the trump of a tree that had been cut down a year or so ago. Looking up from a potion book he made eye contact with the blonde, unfocusing his eyes he noticed Marlene too. "Out of curiosity, would it be okay if Marlene found out about the thing we spoke about the other day. You know? About thingy."

He looked up once again looking back and forth. "Don't you have exams in like half an hour? You should be studying. Also why would she need to know?" He kept his eyes on the paper as he wrote down a list of ingredients.

"So we can play match maker..." Amelia mumbled.

"Basically, we need to get you a girlfriend and it'll be-"

"Boyfriend." Regulus corrected her without thinking. She stopped and looked at him, it took a moment for him to realise what he had said. "No not like that, I meant-" the sound of his voice was panicked and rushed.


"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry." Marlene rushed over sitting besides him grabbing his hands which had begun to shake. "Breathe, it's okay. This stays between us, okay?" She looked him in the eyes as he nodded. "Great, so then. Who's the lucky guy?" She whispered nudging him slightly, he chuckled in response.

He grabbed a note he had been using as a bookmark for his text book and handed it to her.

You looked adorbale at breakfast today, when you were stuffing your mouth with toast.



Amelia leant forward piercing at the note, "Potter." She looked up at Regulus who had begun to blush.

"So, you gay or bi?" Marlene placed the note back in his book.

"Bi. By myself, bisexual, bilingual." He picked up his wand twirling it. "Now go study idiots." He watched them stand up and wave as they walked back to the common room to study.

"You two! Where have you been?!" Lily exclaimed grabbing them by their arms. "Really?! You spent the last half hour of studying socializing?! If you fail you better not start whining about it!" She began to drag them towards the hall ready to take their OWLs.


"Now," Professor Mcgonagal began. "These quills have been charmed with an anti-cheating spell, you have been warned. This test is extremely important for your future classes so take your time answering each question." She and a few other professors paced up and down the isles between desks. Amelia looked over to Marlene who seemed just as worried as she was. Yes they studied but the two could barely remember what they did yesterday let alone last month. Lily looked panicked despite likely knowing all the answers anyway. Alice seemed nervous, defence against the dark arts wasn't her best subject.

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