chapter 13 - Confused

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Sunday December 1st, 1974

Amelias P.O.V

Me, Lily, Marlene and Alice were studying in the library.

"SHIT!" Lily shouted. Only to get a death glare from the librarian. "Sorry," she whisper.
"We should get back to the common room. Its 7:30pm. We're gonna miss curfew again, grab your stuff and let's go!" She whispered with a frustrated tone.

"You guys go ahead I'll catch up. Gotta grab a couple books first," I replied. Lily nodded as she, Mar and Al stood up and left the library.

Okay, hmm. What could be happening?

The marauders firstly.
Theres Sirius Black, doesnt get along with his family, major player and heartbreaker however he would do anything for his friends. Also a huge prankster.

Then there's James Potter, close with his family, doesnt care about blood status, would do anything for people he cares about and a huge prankster.

Theres Peter Pettigrew, he tends to do whatever the others do, very intelligent just rarely shows it, gullible but a decent liar. Also loves pranks.

Lastly, you have Remus Lupin, intelligent, cares very much about his friends, goes missing often about once or so a month. He also loves pranks but trys to act sensible.

Wait- Wait- wait a dam minute.

"Why would he go missing once a month?" I muttered to myself.

He has alot of scars, usually fresh ones when he comes back from wherever he disappeared to.
Why would be have cuts and scars though?

All 4 of the boys go missing once a month, Remus doesnt attend some lessons on certain days.

October 1st? He went missing. Returned a few days later with fresh cuts. A couple days before that he wasnt exactly happy and cheerful. Worse then Lily during THAT time of the month. Hmmmm...

I grabbed my books and made my way back to my dormitory or Lily would have a heart attack again. Narcissa had been staying in our dorm some days recently, probably to get away from all the pureblood, racist slytherins.


I walked into the Gryffindor Common Room and just layed down on the cold stone floor.

"Comfortable Jones?" I looked up as my eyes met his; by his I mean Benjamin Wood.

"Wood," I said with a nod.

He smiled, "Jones." He made his way over to me and layed next to me. Shivering slightly as his skin hit the cold.

"You okay? Some of us think you've been acting different recently." He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just been thinking." He looked at me confused. "On how to get Black back for the last prank." He chuckled slightly. "Why? What did he do?"

"Just some stupid childish prank." I chuckled. He looked mad. "Relax Wood, I can handle it." A smirk was growing on my face; I stood up and walked up to my dorm.


Lily was shaking my shoulders, trying to wake me from my slumber.
"UP! OR WE'LL BE LATE FOR DEFENCE AGAINST DARK ARTS!" She screamed pulled my warm soft blanket of me.

"HEY! IM COLD NOW!" I shouted back. She shrugged while grabbing my uniform and throwing it at me.

"Not my problem! Now get dressed or you cant copy my homework again!"

I immediately jumped from my bed and changed into my clothes. Grabbed some blush, highlighter and mascara before moving my messy, curls around until it looked partially decent. I grabbed my bag and headed to Defence Against The Dark Arts with Lily. Marlene over slept again, no surprise there. Alice had Herbolgy instead so it was just the two of us.

"So, you still rejecting Potter?" She let out a small chuckle.
"Yes, he doesnt get the hint! I'm not interested."
"Severus? Havent seen you two speak in a while?"
"Oh, I dont know. We havent much. I've been busy with studying I guess." I smiled at her knowing there was more to it then that but I dont want to pressure her into telling me so I dropped the matter.

Ugh! I forget this is with slytherins. Every. Dam. Time.

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