Chapter 32 - Sex, Drinks and Parties.

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Authors note: Smut and mentions of sexual assault (I think its sexual assault but idk tbh).

Word about the party had spread fast, apparently students needed a break. A break from the war, from their studies, everything.

Almost everybody knew of the party, not enough that teachers found out but enough for majority of the common rooms to empty. Except one ofcourse.

"What you think?" Marlene walked out from the bathroom. She was wearing black leather trousers with a green, laced lingerie top.

"Its nice, I don't understand why your wearing lingerie so much now. However, you still look great." Lily said smiling as she picked out her clothes and began to get dressed. Her dress was v-neck, short and black. Little yellow and blue flowers spread out across the fabric.

Alice decided to wear a white mini skirt with small Daisy's attached and a blue, satin, ruffled top with spaghetti straps.

Marlene helped Amelia pick out her outfit, this ended up with the two searching Marlenes wardrobe until they found some white leather Jean's and a brown, lingerie, corset-like top.

"We look like different versions of each other, I love it." Marlene practically dragged herself and the the other three out of their dormitories. Narcissa was meeting them there.

The four began walking to the kitchens to grab some drinks.

"Miss A, what can we do for you?" One house elf asked.

"Just some drinks, firewhiskey if you can." She smiled at the elves, "Professor sent me for it."

"Miss A, you know we cant supply you with that. I is sorry but we can not."

She nodded, "not to worry. I understand. Thank you anyway, have a nice night."

She walked out the kitchen, soon followed by Marlene holding five bottles of fire whiskey.

"This should get people started with the vodka, some probably brang their own drinks anyway." She looked at Lily who held up a bottle of vodka.

The four turned around and saw Narcissa stood there in a short emerald satin dress. She had a bottle of fire whiskey in her hand, smiling at them.

"Well? We going or not?" She smirked as they walked over and past the barrels into hufflepuff common room.

Music was blaring, students were dancing. For once you could spot Slytherins and Gryffindors getting along, yes they were drunk but still getting along.

"I cant believe you actually convinced them to come! Oooo, drinks. I say pour your self some before placing down, they tend to get lost after." Althea smiled at them, hugging Narcissa before she walked away.


A few hours had passed since the party began, bottles were empty and music still blaring.

Amelia stood in the corner holding a random bottle of firewhiskey, got it from a slytherin. Her friends were dancing, Marlene with Dorcas, Lily with Mary, Alice with Frank and Narcissa with Remus.

Pulling the bottle up to her mouth she took a sip. She found herself scanning the crowd for someone, she couldnt comprehended who but when she couldnt find them a knot in her stomach formed.

Somebody was behind her, she could smell their perfume behind her.

Alina Malfoy.

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