Chapter 36 - Just friends

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The time after their exams passed quicker then they had wished. From what seemed to be months away was now only two days from them.

Summer Holidays.

Since April Fools the prank war seemed to pick back up, mainly Amelia and Sirius would be seen pulling them. Yet every so often James, Marlene and Peter would be seen pulling a few.

Lily had decided to hang out with Severus more since she hadn't been spending as much time with him since Amelia arrived. Alice was either in the green houses or with Frank. Neither wished to get themselves into more trouble then they already were. Mcgonagal had given the five of them detention every Saturday for a month as punishment for their little April Fools show.

"Peeves can you do me a favour?" Amelia had recently been in the hospital wing due to one of Sirius's recent pranks.

"Ah, Jones. I've heard alot about you, quite the prankster; much unlike your mother." He peered down at the girl almost as if he was making sure she was safe to approach. "What's in it for me?"

"I hear you like Euphemia Potters cooking, I'm sure I could find you some of her famous brownies." She crossed her arms and began to walk away when she noticed he was hesitant. "Well never mind, I'm sure the bloody Barron would be over the moon to find you-"

"Wait." He called. Few knew who could keep peeves tame, however during one of Amelia's midnight walks she came across peeves hiding from The Bloody Barron. "What do you need me to do?" He asked hesitantly waiting for her to walk over.

She proceeded to tell him her plan for the prank, leaving out certain parts due to knowing he can't keep his mouth shut for long. After all, he didn't need to know everything.

"Okay, I understand. I expect my brownies by the time you leave for the train. If not I will not hesitate to-"

"Yeah, I understand. Don't worry, you'll get your brownies and I'll keep your where abouts to myself." She put her hands up in defeat as she walked away.

If Sirius wants to play dirty she will.


"James!" Amelia ran into the common room and jumped over the sofa next to him. "You got any of your mums brownies?"

He looked at her confused, "what for? You don't even like brownies." He rose an eyebrow. 

"Well yeah but everyone says how good they are, so I may as well try them."

He nodded and agreed to get her some before they finished for the summer, it was their last few days as fifth years. People had already begun hugging and talking about their time after Hogwarts.

Molly Prewett and Arthur Weasley had been dating since their fifth year and even planned to get married after they graduated. Molly had been dreaming about becoming a healer since she first heard about what they do. She still wished to become one now, with the war going on she wanted to help as much as she could without getting hurt. Arthur on the other hand had always been fascinated with the muggle world, he hoped to work in the muggle section of the ministry.

"Hey Prongs, I need your help asking out-" Sirius had come rushing down the stairs finishing his hair quickly.

"Hey mate, what's up? I was just talking to A here but go ahead, feel free to interrupt." James opened his eyes wide realising, "on second thought I need to speak to you too. Moony, Wormtail you guys come too." The four walked out the portrait hole.

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