Chapter 17 - Dates

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December 10th 1974

Amelias P.O.V

"EVERYONE! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!" A boy shouted. Ugh! Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy. Ew. We have spoken a couple times in the library or the courtyard but never really for long. He hates Muggleborns, halfbloods, so called blood traitors. Basically if your not pureblood and you dont hate muggleborns he hates you. He had shoulder length, long, blonde hair. It didnt look natural blonde, probably bleached. He was wearing his Slytherin robes with his shirt undone slightly but tucked in. His tie was undone loosely just layed around his neck.

He was holding flowers and I already knew this was yet again another stupid Christmas Ball thingy. They've been going on since the 2nd. Way too many, all the cringy I love you and the annoying ofcourse ill be your date! I love you so much too usually filled buy the screams of girls jumping from happiness. I took a sip of my water ready to be grossed out by all the lovey dovey shit.

"Will you be my date to the Ball?" He paused. Clearly, to be dramatic. "Jones."

I spat out my drink. Causing Potter, Black, Pettigrew and Lupin to snicker. Along with Lily, Marlene and Alice holding back laughs. He made his way over to my table with Roses in his hand. He placed one in my hair and layed the bouquet on the table.

"You dont have to answer right away. Just soon would be nice." He shot a wink at me as he made his way back to his table. All eyes still on me; I just continued to eat my pizza. Nobody moved their eyes from me still.

"What?" I asked looking up from my dinner.


"Are you going to answer him?!" Somebody shouted. Others nodding in agreement.

"He said I can take my time. So I am." I replied with a smirk, everyone continued to whisper. Benjamin reached over to whisper in my ear.

"If you wanted an excuse as to why you cant go with him. I still need a date. Friends ofcourse." I turned to him with a smile. He is genuinely a good friend and has been since the beginning of school.

"Thanks but I'm thinking of going on my own. You know? As a lone wolf." He chuckled.

"Fair enough."

"Jones can I speak to you?" I looked up and saw Black there.
"Um sure I guess."

"In private." He added.

I nodded and made my way to the hallway with him.

"So, what'd you want Black."

"Are you going with him? Malfoy?" I looked at him confused. "Just call me Sirius too. Its confusing with there being so many Blacks." I laughed slightly.
"And Not that you cant go with him Jones."

"Call me A." He gave me a confused look. "Its short for Amelia." I added. He smirked. "Just dont tell the others or I will hex you!" He raised his hands with a smile on his lips still.

"Pads leave the poor girl alone. Come on, we're going back to the dorms." I turned around and saw Potter stood there with the other two.

"Can you give me a second mate? I'm kinda busy here." Potter just rolled his eyes and dragged him by his arm. I giggled as Black was shouting for him to let go.

Why did I just giggle? Since when do i giggle? Ew.

"Did you just giggle?!" Marlene shouted from behind me.

"Holy shit she did!" Lily shouted.

"Merlin. Here we go," I muttered to myself.

"Anyway," Alice said. Clearly spotting my awkwardness. Alice could always spot what other didnt. Me, her and Lily actually have a bet going to see if Marlenes Lesbian or not. I said shes bisexual, Lily reckons shes straight. Alice just thinks she full on Lesbian.

"So then. We going dress shopping tomorrow?" She continued as she grabbed my arm pulling me to walk with the 3 girls.

"Oooo yeah come! It'll be fun!" Marlene added.

"Yeah, let's be honest here. You have the best taste in clothes." Lily finished.

"No shit." I replied sarcastically. "Fine, fine. I'll come to hogsmeade with you all tomorrow." The girls smiled and suddenly became more cheerful. "Have you guys even got dates yet?" I asked.

"Nope. But I was thinking of asking Mary MacDonald." Marlene said blushing. "As friends ofcourse."

"I'm going with James," Lily muttered under her breath thinking we couldnt hear her.

"I KNEW IT!" I shouted as we walked into the common room. "YOU TWO OWE ME 2 GALLEONS!" I continued to shout, causing Lily and many other Gryffindors to look at me like I was a ghost or something.


"Shes right! How did you even know-" she shouted but was interrupted.

"YOU GUYS BETTED ON WHO I WOULD GO TO THE CHRISTMAS BALL WITH?!" Lily screamed. The other 2 began walking away towards the dormitories since you didnt really want to cross an angry Lily.

"TECHNICALLY ONLY IF YOU WOULD SAY YES TO A CERTAIN WIZARD!" I said nodding my head in James direction. "AND I WON!" I screamed back laughing still.

"Woah, woah, woah calm down red," Sirius said trying to hold the fiery girl back.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! HOW THE FUCK?!" Her voice bombing through the room. This caught alot of the Gryffindors by surprise. "I DIDNT EVEN KNOW I WAS GOING TO SAY YES!"

"CAUSE I KNOW YOU SO WELL!" I boomed back.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW BEFORE ME?! THE FUCK!" She shouted again. "Maybe you should teach Divination instead of Trawly." She finished, sounding calmer. We both laughed knowing dam well I'd be a terrible teacher.

At this point Potter had caught on since a massive smile stuck to his face.

"NO-" Remus yelled.
"FUCKING-" Peter shouted.
"WAY!" Sirius finished.

I guess they finally caught on. Took them what? Like 10 minutes? Dam. They are stupid huh. I chuckled to myself.

Potter nodded and Lily went a brighter red then her hair.

"Shut up!" She said shoving Black lightly and dragging me to our dorm.

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