Chapter 6 - The boys

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Professor Mcgonagalls P.O.V

"Albus, I really need to get to my office to mark some assessments. We can finish this conversation after." He nodded allowing me to get back and mark them.

"Password?" The statue asked.

"Quidditch" I said clearly.

The statue let me pass and I sat at my desk. I noticed a piece of paper layed there.


- A Jones.

I went to move the paper when-


A? Who is A Jones. Then it hit me.

Amelias P.O.V


A loud bang came from a certain professors office. So did a bunch of colourful sparks. Oh and a very angry Professor.

I morphed back into myself and began to walk away.

"MISS JONES! STOP! I KNOW THIS IS YOUR DOING!" Mcgonagalls voice echoed through the halls. I felt many eyes on me, piercing through my body, along with a massive smirk crawling upon my face.

"You should probably change the password!" I shouted back as I began to run.

James Potters P.O.V

Holy shit- the new girls got balls.

"Hey Pads, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Most likely" he replied

The new girl came running towards us. And knocked Moony over.

"SORRY!" She screamed as she jumped over him and continued running towards the common rooms.

I looked at Pads, Moony and Wormtail. All four of us had massive smirks on our faces. That was until a very angry Lily approached us.

"Lily-flower! How have you been?" She cut me off.

"Not the time Potter." Her attention moved from me to Moony. "Are you ok? I'm sorry about her. She has a thing for trouble." She said as she helped him up.

"Its fine, she put on quite the show!" Moony answered with a chuckle.

Then Marlene, Alice and my dear Lily-flower left.


Lilys P.O.V

I stormed into the Gryffindor common room were my eyes fell upon a tired and rather smug looking Amelia.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! I cant believe you did it! And Merlene?! you helped her get away to pull it?! I'll be surprised if you dont get kicked out-" but I was cut off.

"Oh come on Lily, you have to admit it was funny." She interrupted.

"Shes not wrong. It was quite the entertainment!" A voice I know far too well. I turned around.

"Your not helping Black!"

"Shes right! shes right!" Amelia announced.
"It was very irresponsible of me to get in trouble in the first week. I should have been more boring and studied. Thank you Lily for helping me see just how childish my actions were! Oh what would I do without you?!" She continued, very dramatically and sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and hit her with a book.

Amelias P.O.V

I noticed 4 boys sat down near me and the girls. I think one of them is the boy I bumped into not long ago.

"Well?! Dont be rude Lily introduce me to..." I stopped what I was saying, searching for the right word to use.
"... Potters minions..." I finished, looking at her as she chuckled. Merlene and Alice looked at each other. Potter rolled his eyes obviously not happy with my choice of wording.

"This is gonna be interesting." They said with smiles.

"Oh so you know me?" Potter said rather cocky.

"Wish I didn't." I replied. Earning a small chuckle from the girls and the boys.

"Oo that sucks prongs. Well since Evans wont introduce us I guess we'll do it our selves." One of them suggested. He had shoulder length black hair, deep mysterious brown eyes. His body was rather muscular, most likely plays quidditch, highly likely hes a beater.

"I'm Black, Sirius Black" he said. Where have I heard that name before. Could have sworn I've heard the name Black before.

"I'm Remus Lupin" said another. He had brown hair, long but way shorter then Blacks. He didnt seem as muscular, but still slightly. Not enough to be a quidditch player though. Seems like the brains of the group.

"I'm Peter Pettigrew" said the third. He had blonde ish hair, Sharp jaw. He had trouble written all over him. Not the detention kind, more the "I break law" kind. However, for some reason he looked scared.

"And I'm Potter, James Potter." Said Potter. "But you already knew that" he finished with a smirk.

The four of them looked at me waiting for my name. I simply smiled and walked of.

"Wait- where you going?" Asked Black.

"Come on girls, let's go study then." I said completely ignoring the boys.

"We still dont know your name." Continued Pettigrew.

"Huh? Oh yeah- you dont do you. Hm. Sucks to be you I guess." I winked at them as me, Lily, Merlene and Alice made our way to the Library.

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