Chapter 30 - Valentines

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AN: I changed Ellie Lovegood to Althea Lovegood. Also there is smut in this so yeah.

February 14th 1975

"Okay so, I have the picnic basket and I'm ready." Peter paced back and forth in the common room. "But what if she doesn't turn up? Then i'll be there like an idiot-"

Amelia stood up and grabbed him, "like i said. If she doesn't turn up or doesn't genuinely want to go on the date with you and said yes for whatever fucked up reason, i'll simply send her to the hospital wing for playing with your feelings. Got it?"

He nodded smiling.

"Great, now go! Leave! Go get your girl dumbass!" She pushed him towards the door watching as he left.

James came down the stairs as Peter left, Sirius and Remus with him.

"Jones, you got any plans today?" James said as he strutted over to the blonde. She shook her head, "great. Me and Moony are busy today but Padfoot is free." He grabbed Lily, Remus and Narcissa dragging them out the common room. "Enjoy your date!"

It took a few minutes for the pair to process what had happened. They looked around the room reasoning they were the only two left since everybody was at Hogsmeade for Valentine's day.

"Did he just-"

"Yes, yes he did."

They turned to each other not realising the space between them had disappeared. Looking at his lips then eyes, looking at her eyes and lips.

"We should probably talk," he had broken the deafening silence. "About the other day, the um-" he stopped and let out a sigh.

"The kiss?"

He nodded, "yeah. The kiss."

"Curse Potter for making this awkward. Fucking twat." She thought, making a mental note to curse him or something.

"I shouldn't of acted like that," he began taking a step back from her. "I shouldn't of flirted with you like I did-"

She was confused, did he regret it? Should she of not kissed him? Was she in the wrong? His voice still going on in the background but she wasn't listening, just nodding along like she is. Her mind filling with thoughts. until she snapped out of it.

"It's fine, i'm sorry. I shouldn't of kissed you without your permission anyway." She interrupted him, he stood there for a moment.

His heart shattered. Did she regret it? Does she think he regrets it? Should he kiss her now? His mind drowning in thoughts, his hand fiddling with a box in his pocket.

"Let's grab something from the kitchen, nobody's here anyway." He took his hand out his pocket running through the portrait hole towards the kitchen, "hurry up! Your so slow!" She rolled her eyes and began to chance after him.


Peter and Althea had met by the hufflepuff common room before their date, he had a picnic basket in his hand which was full of sandwiches, cake, strawberries and other food the elves helped pick out. The two were walking towards the cave talking about magical creatures.

"Have you ever heard of nargles?" She asked in a dreamy voice. He shook his head, "oh." She sounded almost disappointed, her smile had faded.

"What are they?" He asked interested in her thoughts. "I haven't heard of them but they sound cool, tell me about them." She looked up at him smiling.

"Really?!" She was excited as he nodded with a chuckle.

She continued to talk about nargles for the rest of the walk up to the caves.

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