Chapter 29 - Helping Peter

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February 8th 1975

"Okay. So. Heres the plan." James had come running into his dormitory, slamming the door shut behind him as he began pacing back and forth.

"Lily is going to-" He began as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Remus sat up. "Wait, wait, wait." The boys turned to him. "You haven't asked her out yet?!" He asked in disbelief.

Before James could answer a stressed blonde ran into their dormitory, slaming the door shut and falling against it. "Hey boys, imma need your help." She said grabbing her hair as she stood up.

"Jones, not the time. Prongs is freaking out over his Lily flower again!" Peter announced earning a smack on the head from Remus.

"This is very Sirius matter guys. Our deer friend is freaking out. Moony, you should be awere of the consequences if we dont listen." Sirius  jumped from his bed and leant against the wall next to Amelia. "However," he smirked lifting her chin.

She smiled as she placed a hand in his hair, leaning over to whisper in his ear.

"Alright you too, I know I said I wanted some entertainment last time but I didn't mean it literally." James said storming over, pulling Sirius away. "Right what's up Jones?" His tone impatient.

The blonde looked at Sirius, his eyes then lips. Repeating once or twice.

"I never found out why you three actually became animagius, guess I'm curious."

"You rushed in here, panting like you had been running. To ask us about becoming animagius?" Peter sat up.

She nodded.

"Anything for our Moony." The three said in unison causing the other to blush.

"I'm just so amazing and perfect they were willing to." Remus added closing his book slightly, this earned an eye roll from almost everybody in the room.

"That's actually really sweet, glad to know you three actually have feelings." She ducked avoiding a shoe that had been thrown at her. "By the way, if Sniv- Severus starts shouting at you for some prank; I'm sorry." She smirked opening the door and leaving.

"THE FUCK DID YOU DO JONES!?" One screamed.

She stuck her head back round the corner, "just a little prank for what he did to a friend of mine." She smirked.

"Peter, you free this weekend?" Sirius immediately turned his attention to her, not even giving him a second to reply.

"No." He was being blunt. "He's busy, right?"

Peter sighed looking between both the Jones heir and the Black heir. Hesitantly nodding.

"Alright, well I need to talk to you soon anyway. Whenever your free just come find me."

And with that she left.


A few days had passed since she stopped by their dorm, valentine's day was coming up and neither Black nor Jones knew who they were going to ask.

"Blacks swarmed with girls, no surprise there." Lily said rolling her eyes, "you have piles of valentine's day cards in our dorm, along with flowers. Yet still no date?" She took a bite of some toast. "Marlene has the date with the Dorcus girl, Alice has one with Frank, I have one with nobody and you have dates coming out your ears yet still seem like your waiting for a certain one."

Nodding as she stood up as and made her way to the group of boys sat eating breakfast. She sat down inbetween Sirius and Remus.

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