Chapter 45 - 1945

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"So the two of you are dating? Like officially?"


"And you danced in the snow?"


"And we're only just finding out about this now?!"

"Yes. In my defence, you were all so busy opening gifts; it slipped my mind I never told you three." Amelia rose her hands in defence at the three.

"That's besides the point completely." Lily walked out of the bathroom in uniform.

"Why are you all in uniform?" Marlene rolled over onto her back so she could see her.

"I've got head girl duties to attend to before our lovely feast."

"Yayy!" Amelias voice was sarcastic, "please do tell us all the fun you and James get up to. Leave out some details would you? I'd rather not find out what weird things that boy is into-" Lily threw a pillow at her trying desperately to shut her up.

"Its nothing serious, I've told you. We don't like each other like that anymore, he's into Regulus anyway and im-" She stopped and thought for a moment.

"Desperately in love with the both of them?" Alice smuggly smiled before ducking at the pillow thrown in her direction. "What is it with you and throwing pillows, Merlin spice it up abit and be creative."

"Oh I'm sorry, would you rather have a knife thrown at your head? I'm sure mrs anger issues over there will be happy to do so, my bad, I meant dagger."

"Cute, you're the one who bought me it. What do you expect?"

"For you to not almost kill someone, maybe?" Lily grabbed her wand placing it in her pocket. "Just a suggestion."

Marlene nodded in agreement, "she did deserve it though." She whispered as Lily left.

School had started again and everyone was far too busy unpacking to take much notice of Amelia and Sirius sneaking off just before the feast. James had taken his seat next to Lily after just finishing Head Boy duties, smiling slightly in Regulus' direction.

He slipped a note towards Lily before turning to Peter asking where Sirius was, he sighed as Peter shook his head unknowingly. Smiling down at the paper Lily nudged James nodding at him.

Slipping down next to Marlene as Professor Dumbledore began to speak Amelia attempted to fix her tie eventually giving up and leaving it hanging around her shoulders.

"Suttle." Marlene whispered.


As the weeks passed students and professors had become used to Amelia and Sirius sneaking off and skipping classes. Students would see them sneaking down to the lake and professors would often turn a blind eye when catching them past curfew.

The two had snuck out once again but this time up to the astronomy tower. It was a cold night, the wind picked up a few times before settling once again.

"It's fucking freezing," Amelia pulled out one of the books piled on the side.

"I did tell you that you'd need a jacket."

"And I told you not to choose astronomy yet here you are."

"Cute." He rolled his eyes flicking through the book. "I have to memorise all of these?!" He asked in shock.

She laughed shaking her head, "just these for now." She pointed down at the book and then the sky. "See that one there?"

"The one that looks like a hippo on their back two legs?"

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