Chapter 34 - The cupboard

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As days passed students were growing more stressed about the exams. They had began to joke around and not take them seriously, until the marauders had stopped pranks and began to study daily. When a ravenclaw had spotted the four studying they assumed it was a joke, until their eyes fell upon Marlene and Amelia who seemed to be in the library on two hours sleep and seven cups of coffee.

It was then they realised the exams are actually important.

"I will never understand divination," Marlene sighed slamming her head on the table.

"Shhhh!" Madam Pince glared at the two before turning back to her pile of paperwork.

As they turned back around to continue flicking through books in attempt to understand the subject Mary McDonald walked over dropping some books down.

"Jones, I know we aren't exactly friends or anything but I overheard Sirius saying how you like astrology and I'm really struggling with the subject." She moved some books aside peering at the one Amelia had open. "In exchange I can help you with divination."

Smiling they began to help each other, Marlene had decided to leave and get some sleep due to only getting a few hours the previous night.

Mary explained the keep information on divination and what each symbol meant. After Amelia had wrote down as much as she could process she began to explain constellations and stars to Mary.

"If you look at this picture here," she pointed at one of the books pages. "This is called Orion, it has many stars some of which I believe is home to the star Bellatrix." Mary nodded along.

"Wait, aren't they names of the Black family members?" She pulled the book forward looking at the constellation.

"Yes, my family for some reason has an obsession with the stars." Sirius had waltzed over and sat on the table they were working on.

"Yeah, Sirius I believe is the brightest star and also known as the dog star." She opened another book pointing at the section on Sirius. "Ironic since you aren't very bright." She pushed him off the table causing him to fall onto the fall.

"Ouch." He placed a hand on his heart sighing dramatically before walking off to study.

After studying for a few hours they had decided it would be alot easier to finish another day. They said their goodbyes and left the library.

On the other side of the school Athena Lovegood was searching a nearby cave for some crystals. She had grown rather fond of them when her older brother, Xenophilius, had arrived home over the summer with a few. He told her the best places to find them and ever since she had been fascinated.

"What you looking for?" Peter spoke rather loudly giving Athena a scare. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He walked over to her in attempt to see what she was searching for.

"Its quite alright, I'm just looking for some crystals. My brother had brang some home a while ago and told me there were often some here." She turned around smiling at the boy, "see. This here is called rose quartz," she pointed to a small, pink rock-like object. "Its known for gentleness, emotional healing and love." She turned back around to see him smiling at her, their eyes making contact.

"Peter," she smiled at the boy, he hummed in response. "Would you like to go to hogsmeade with me tomorrow? Its fifth years weekend this week."

He smiled blushing lightly, nodding in response. "I'd like that," his voice was soft and calm. The pair had been sneaking off from their friend groups recently. Only to hang out, study, any excuse really.

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