Chapter 50 - The women in the coat

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Authors Note: Likely there are grammar or spelling mistakes since I'm too lazy to proofread these anymore, sorry lmao.

Lily walked over taking the paper from me as I sat down.

"She's fucking joking right?" She passed the paper to the others. "The balls she has-"

"Turn it over, idiots." I rolled my eyes.

"Lax Qtzzxh?" Prongs read out in confusion.

"There's more." I added.

"My favourite number?" Wormy read out.

They looked at one another in confusion for around ten minutes before I gave up.

"Seven. Her favourite number is seven, it was my number on my quidditch uniform."

"That's cute," Mary said in awe.

I felt myself turning red, taking the invite from their hand i grabbed some paper and a quill.

"She loved the stupid secret codes-"

"Pads, this could be a trap. Maybe she actually is-"

"She would taught me the alphabet one on one of our dates in the astronomy tower." I talked over Moony glaring at him.

I need her.

"Pads, we get it. You miss her, but think this through. Maybe we should tell Albus-"

"No. Absolutely not. I don't trust him."

"I agree with Sirius, if this is Amelia then Albus sent her on this misson and-"

"He did, she told me before she left." Lily interrupted.

"I said to her before she left that all he's done is put us at risk. How many duels has he fought in compared to us? How many missons have you almost died on Prongs?"

"He said it was a possibility-"

"He told Amelia that she wasn't trained enough to fight in the group, yet he's sent her to what? Marry one? I'm not telling him shit. I'll do this myself if I have to-"

"You don't. I might be against this whole order thing but I'll help with this." Mary stepped forward grabbing a quill and numbering the letters. "You said her favourite number was seven right?"

I nodded.

"Guys, maybe we should sleep and figure it out in the morning. It's getting late and you'll have a higher chance of figuring it out with eight hours sleep behind you." Prongs took the paper and moved us along to sleep. We had agreed in the end that we made as well all help and decided to just stay at the flat for the night.

I made my way to my room, changing and getting into bed as I curled up into a ball holding my knees. The lights turned off as the others drifted to sleep and I laid there listening to the rain outside as it hit the floor and roofs. I looked at the side where she would sleep, a tear falling at the idea of loosing her.

What if she's actually joined them?

Moments later the sun shone through my window, I hadn't slept. Standing up I made my way to the bathroom staring at my tear stained face in the mirror, my hair was greasy from weeks of not showering and lounging around the flat. Weeks had passed since we received the invite from her, I had barely gotten out of bed. Albus had visited every so often to 'check if I'm ok' and ask if I'd heard from her. I lied each time he asked.

I still don't trust him.

The others left every so often to help in the order still, Mary had stayed at the flat with me trying to keep me alive. The wedding was tomorrow and we still hadn't figured out the message. I sat down on the kitchen counter drinking a beer as Mary walked out taking it from me.

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