Chapter 39 - Lockhart

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A few weeks had passed and the quidditch world cup had finally arrived.

Amelia was walking through the grass field next to Lily and Alice, the three listened as Marlene spoke about Dorcas.

"We've been writing all summer, apparently Mary told her she wants to be the first female muggleborn minister of magic," the blonde spoke as they walked towards their tent. "Oh also we should probably go look around at the pop up stalls, if we don't soon all the good stuff will be sold."

Walking over to the tent Lily commented about how small it was, "we can't possibly all fit in there! That's barely a two-man tent!" She exclaimed before being pushed through the gap by Alice.

Amelia looked around at the tent, sure from the outside it seemed to be smaller then her bed but when you entered it seemed to open up around you. The sides were a cream colour with flowers spreading up from the bottom, the floor was hard wood planks and the place was filled with furniture.

"Place your stuff in here then you can go check out some stalls." Melissa, Marlenes mother, said as she began to prepare some dinner. "Take Max with you!"

Marlene groaned but agreed, she hurried into the room chucking her bag on her bed. "Hurry up Max or I'll leave without you!" She called aa the four approached the end of the tent.

Soon later a blonde boy came rushing over, "okay let's go." He had brown eyes unlike his sister whos were blue, they had the same dirty blonde hair though.

Walking through the crowds of people you tend to loose sight of your surroundings, all the voices blend into one. People walked past you, nudging you in attempted to get past. Amelia felt somebody grip her hand and pull her aside.

"Honestly, you'd be lost if it wasn't for us." Alice smiled letting go of her hand. "Marlene wanted to check out the jerseys." She nodded towards the blonde who was looking through the jerseys.

"A! Come quick!" Marlene called clearing attempting to get Amelia's attention. Amelia walked over to the stand full of jerseys, signed brooms and other signed equipment. "Check out all of these! I reckon Madagascar will win the final match." She flicked through the Jerseys. "Syria's team is pretty shit this year, it's a shame we had to miss the other matches from before today."

"Eh, from what I heard they weren't too good anyway." Amelia picked up one of the brooms, "although I reckon it'll be Syria who wins. They've got one of the best seekers in the world, they've got this in the bag." She placed down a broom turning to the man to ask how much.

"How much for this broom?" She pointed in the brooms direction.

"Ah, you're after the Syrian team seekers first broom. If you want the original it'll be 30 galleons, however if you want the identical one but not the original it'll be 10 galleons." He held up the two.

"The orig-"

"The original please," a boy with shoulder length, black hair walked over. He was wearing a muggle singer, Queen, shirt. He had black baggy Jean's on with the shirt tucked in loosely on the side, "here." He handed the man the money.

"Sirius." She looked him in the eyes as he took hold of the broom, "you're a twat."

"Nice to see you too chérie." He walked away gripping the broom in his right hand.

"What'd he call you?" Lily asked as she tucked some hair behind her ear, "don't you speak like eight languages?"

Amelia rolled her eyes, "seven actually and when you know seven languages you tend to forget some words. I've been forgetting French and German recently so if it was either one of them or one I don't know then it makes sense that I didn't understand."

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