Chapter 48 - Knockturn Ally

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Amelia's POV:
September 1978

"I'M HOME!" Sirius' voice echoed through the house. The Potter family had agreed to let me stay there some weeks when Sirius was out late on missions so I knew he was okay. The moment I heard his voice I rushed down the stairs and into the front room with the fireplace.

He, James, Remus and Peter had been given the same mission and came back covered in cuts and bruises. Me and Lily stayed at the Manor whilst they had Order Missions to be sure there was someone to clean them up after. We both agreed to work for the order however we chose to take the healer path rather then auror due to the lack of them within the order. Lily usually stayed at the meeting place to help aurors who stayed there as they had no place else to go. Mary had chose to stay there this time and return to Sybil after.

The boys stepped out of the fireplace, the two of us immediately running over to help. We took care of the same two each time, I took Sirius and Remus, she took James and Peter. Their injuries were never anything too serious so we could usually take care of them rather quickly. I took Sirius straight to the kitchen making him strip so he was left in his boxers, this was the usual thing so we could immediately see if anything had damaged them badly. If they had pain while taking their top of it would be easier to identify etc.

Remus sat down on the sofa on a towel in case he had been cut and bled onto it. James' parents were out working late in the ministry and as we weren't sure of any cleaning spells yet we wanted to avoid as much mess as possible. Cissy walked into the room rushing over to Remus, ignoring his shock she instructed him to get undressed.

"Usually I require a dinner first but I'm sure I can make an exception this once."

"Cute Lupin, maybe if you hurry up so I can make sure you're okay that dinner can happen."

"I know I am," he began getting undressed. "Wait what- did you just-"

"Yes now hurry up you moron. Or I'm going to have to do it myself."

"Let's not get him hard in front of us, don't really want to see what happens after between you two-" Sirius winced at the cold being pressed onto his cuts. "That was unnecessary."

"They haven't spoken since what?"

"The train, last day of fifth year." Cissy added. "I still gotta give Lily her music thingy back. It's back at the Manor but-"

"You can keep it. Don't worry. Not sure when we'll see you next so keep it."

"As lovely as this reunion is, I'm kinda bleeding here so if someone could help me that'll be great!" Peter spoke trying to stand but falling over.

"Shit. ATHENA! COME CLEAN UP PETER, HE LOOKS LIKE HES ANOUT TO FAINT!" Cissy shouted up to Athena who was tidying the rooms since the boys had left them in a state.

Soon after they had all been cleaned up Lily pulled out some food Mrs Potter had made for when they came back.

"Here." I got down on one knee, "Sirius, my star, would you do me the honour and make my life a living hell by-" I paused for a moment taking in their shocked faces, "moving in with me?" I laughed standing up handing him the key.

"You got it!?"


"Got what?"

"We looked at apartments for the past months trying to find somewhere we could move out, we love living here but you're parents have enough pressure Prongs." Sirius smiled putting the key in his pocket. "A agreed she'd get some muggle job to save up for it. We spoke about it whilst at Hogwarts which was when we both got a small job to start of saving. Apparently, the tips and wages were enough."

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