Chapter 24 - Birthdays and forgiveness

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18th December 1974

Amelia had woken up at around 6am today. It was unusual since she never really woke up early, she would probably be late to every class if it wasnt for the girls waking her up every morning.

She slowly climbed out of bed and tiptoed over to the wardrobe. She grabbed her quidditch hoodie and some trainers since she already had joggers on. She grabbed her wand muttering a simple spell that did her hair quickly. Placing her wand in her pocket and her trainers on she left the dormitory.

She made her way down the stairs, into the common room and out to the corridor.

It didn't surprise her that it was empty.

After all who wakes up at 6am and walks around the school?

It was peaceful, quiet. Like time had stopped. The sun was due to rise at around 7:30am so she had about an hour and a half of dark, peaceful silence to herself.

She made her way towards the kitchen hoping for a little snack to tire her over until breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen she smiled at the few house elves preparing breakfast.
"What can we do for you Miss A," an elf asked.
The elves used to call her Miss Jones but she had told them to call her A since Miss Jones made her sound old.

"Just something to help tire me over until breakfast." She said grabbing an apple. "This'll do, I dont want to disturb you all."

She elf smiled and nodded. "Thank you but we enjoy your company, you are very kind unlike many other students." She laughed a little. "Have a nice night Miss A. Oh and also, Happy Birthday from all of us elves."

"Thank you very much. Have a nice night," and with that she left taking a bite from the apple. She continued to walk down the corridor deciding to check out the womping willow. Many call it the 'demon tree' since it's so aggressive but she has never actually seen it.

"Jones?" a voice from behind her whispered. She turned around seeing Peter.

"Pettigrew?" She whispered back. He nodded.

"I'm just grabbing an early morning snack, why are you up?" he asked glancing at the apple in her hand. He raised an eyebrow. "Ah, you went to the kitchen too. Dont snitch on me and I wont tell the boys where you are?"

She laughed. "Sure, thanks. I dont really need Black or Potter chasing me around. Nor a Lupin trying to get me to forgive them."

He nodded. "Sorry by the way. I realise I should've done something about Prongs and Padfoot. Honestly, Padfoot seems most affected by you ignoring them." He said staring at the floor. "Wait, dont tell them I said that!" He added quickly.

"I wont, I wont. It's okay. Your partly forgiven by me anyway. Atleast you arent too stubborn and can say sorry when your in the wrong. I'll talk to you later."

He nodded and smiled, walking away towards wherever he was going.


A few hours had passed since Amelia left the dorms. The sun was rising and it was snowing.

She layed on the cold grass smiling as the soft snow fell around and on her. The castle roof was covered in snow, as well as the trees and floor.

It looked like something out of a fairytale.

She was still in just a hoodie and joggers, practically freezing. She didnt care. She was worried about OWLs even though they were months away she didnt want to be held back a year. On top of that Black hadn't pranked her back yet so she was worried he was planning something big. Practically all of December she had been waiting for him to pull a prank on her. He never did. She needed to relax, clear her mind. Even if it was just for an hour or so; it's better then nothing.

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