Chapter 7 - Tryouts

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Monday 9th September, 1974

Sirius Blacks P.O.V

"PADFOOT! GET UP OR WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR POTIONS!" Prongs voiced screamed in my ear.

"Chill, I'm up! I'm up!" I groaned and rolled out of bed. Literally.

I quickly grabbed my shirt, tie, trousers and cloak chucked em on and left for potions with Prongs, Moony and Wormtail.

"So..." Prongs started. We all gave him confused looks.
"What you guys think of the new girl?"

"Seems like fun," Wormtail added.

"Sure is entertaining," added Moony.

"And has a thing for trouble," Prongs finished.

She sure is interesting, has a thing for causing trouble for sure and most likely insane. Who would prank Mcgonagall?! I wouldnt be surprised if she was expelled for that.

"Pad? Padfoot?!" Somebody shook my arm.

"Huh? Oh um shes interesting I guess."


We walked into potions with Slytherins unfortunately.

"Miss Jones you'll be with Mr Black." Said the Professor Slughorn. Who is Jones then?

"Which Black?" A voice asked. Professor Slughorn nodded towards me as she walked over and sat done.

"Hi, I'm-" but she cut me off.

"Sirius Black, I know." I didnt bother looking up until the end of the lesson. We were just writing the whole time anyway.


The bell rang as I grabbed my stuff and noticed it was the girl from the common room, she stood up and left.


Amelias P.O.V

I left potions class and went to the rest of the lessons. Kinda boring if you ask me. Just some Defence Against The Dark Arts, Herbolgy (which apparently I'm good at), Divination and charms.

I began walking back to the Gryffindor common room when I remembered quidditch try outs are today. I ran back to the common room and got changed since it was like 4:30 and try outs are at 5. I grabbed my broom and made my way to the pitch.


I began walking onto the pitch where some other kids already were. I was on all the Quidditch teams at my previous schools, that was until I got kicked of for "poor behaviour".

"Ah Jones, trying out huh. What position?" I recognised that voice. Mr Black.

"Seeker." I answered coldly. He seemed surprised by my answer but just nodded.

"Dont worry you wont be against me-" but I cut him of.

"Oh I know. You're one of the beaters correct?" He nodded. "And you're already on the team anyway. Along with Potter."

"How did you-" but the blowing of the whistle cut him of.

Sirius Blacks P.O.V

I ran over to Prongs as the whistle blew. We explained what was going to happen and the try outs begun.

"That Jones girl is good I'll admit. But dont tell her that it'll boost her ego," Prongs whispered to me.

I looked over in her direction, he wasnt wrong. She had caught the snitch within the first 5 minutes, we had played 3 mini games so far and she caught the snitch within minutes on every single one. With her on our team we'll win every match.

"Ok so she is good, with her we would win every match. What about McKinnon? Shes a great chaser and we are in need of one." I said clearly to him. He nodded.

He blew the whistle and all of the students came down.

"You've all played great well done, the list will be posted by Friday in Gryffindor common room on the wall between girls and boys dormitories. Good luck to you all. You can go get showered and changed now." I said loud and clear.


Me and Prongs were the the last in the changing rooms.

"So McKinnon's our new chaser. The keeper position already taken by Benjamin Wood. We need a beater still. I'm thinking Arther." Prongs looked at me confused. "You know the weasley dude." I continued as we walked out.

"Ohhhh yeah. He was alright. Probably have to train him up abit but he would work." Prongs agreed.

"So that's McKinnon and you as chasers, me and Weasley as beaters, Wood as the keeper and then its between the Jones girl or Greengrass. Im thinking-" I was cut off.

"Its 8pm boys. Quidditch tryouts ended over 2 hours ago. Its past curfew. Of to bed now." Professor Mcgonagal said with her arms crossed. "Frankly, I dont care for your excuses so dont start. 20 points from Griffindor for your tardiness."

I was about to protest.

"EACH! Now I dont understand why you two are stood there you should be running back to your dormitories." At that we both ran back. I could have sworn she had a smirk on her face as we ran.

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