Chapter 31 - Plans

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18th February 1975

"Amelia!" Marlene groaned trying to shake her awake. "Come on, Lilys gonna kill us if we arent at the library in five!" She rolled her eyes. "Aguamenti," she murmered pointing her wand at the sleeping blonde.

She jumped awake feeling the cold on her skin. "Bloody hell Mar! That's freezing."

Marlene stood up and chucked some light denim Jeans at her, soon followed by a short sleeveless white turtle-neck and a black jumper.

"Get dressed, we have like five minutes before lily gets bored of waiting and storms in here screaming like a maniac." Marlene chuckled as she jumped out of bed and began to get dressed.


"Okay, okay, we're here." Marlene panted as the two ran into the library practically falling onto their chairs. Alice looked at the two shaking her head.

"Marlene, you cant wear that." Dorcas shook her head looking her up and down. "Just because it's the weekend doesnt mean you can patrol around the school in lingerie and joggers." Marlene was wearing some red lingerie shebhad found at some muggle store and some black joggers.

"Why?" Marlene stood up shutting Dorcas's book. "Scared I'll distract you Love?" She winked sitting back down.

Dorcas turned back to her work picking up a book to hide the blush on her cheeks. "Dont be daft," her eyes unfocused on the book and more into the background; more or so onto Marlene.

"I should get going anyway, got to help Xenophilius study." Dorcas stood up and left taking some books with her.

"Your books are here," Alice said handing Marlene and Amelia two piles. "We gathered you two wouldn't want to get them, or even know what to get." She took a sip of a drink on the table.

"What's that?" Marlene asked pearling at the green liquid.

"Althea made me it, she's really sweet. It's a tea made with herbs and stuff. A family recipe she says, i should really get her to show me how to make it." She took another sip.

"Enough yapping, start studying. Our exams are in no less then a month, i wouldn't want to be stuck in potions with a bunch of racists so you best get studying." Lily had grown fed up of the girls refusing to study, they'd always have an excuse. 'Quidditch practice' was the go to normally but even that had grown useless due to Potter snitching on them.

Amelia picked up her book on transfiguration, her weakest subject. Odd being a metamorphosis, then again she rarely used it. She opened the book and began to study, copying down anything she should remember.

"A why do you have ten pieces of parchment all on transfiguration, you haven't even finished the book yet." Lily exclaimed flipping through the pages. "I said to copy down key information that you don't already know or is difficult to remember." She sighed placing it down.

"I know, that's why it's all in note form!" She flipped the page over scanning her finger along the paper. "It's all difficult to remember!" She protested. Marlene rose an eyebrow nodding in agreement.

They got back to their work, Lily summarising anything on any subjects knowing they'll all need it, Alice studying herbology since it was her strongest point and the rest were terrible at it, Marlene reading about defence against the dark arts and potions since it's the thing she found most interesting and the only subjects she'd happily study. Amelia working hard to understand transfiguration, something that should come easy to her.

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