Chapter 11 - The Black

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Monday September 30th, 1974

Remus's P.O.V

"Get up! All of you!" My voice echoing through our dorm. "I'm hunrgy and dont want to go to breakfast on my own!"

James groaned. "Moony mate, as much as we love you-" he stopped. I looked him in the eyes. "You know what never mind. Give us a minute to get dressed and we'll meet you in the common room."

I nodded and left the dormitory making my way to the common room. It was 8am and the sun had risen not long ago. Classes started at 9 and breakfast finished at 8:45. The sun was shining through the windows onto the glazing wooden floor and against the red and gold coloured walls.

I made my way over to the bookshelf and grabbed one. Pride and Prejudice. It was a muggle book yes. But I had nothing else to read. I opened the book, sat on the burgundy, velvet sofa and began reading.


Amelia's P.O.V

"Wheres Remus? I havent seen him all day." Lily whispered to me.

I shrugged.

"Ask your admirer." I replied with a smug look. She rolled her eyes.

"Ha no-"

"Jones can I talk to you?" A voice interrupted. I turned around, "sure." I replied, Lily gave me a concerned expression. I just smiled and walked off with the witch. I could hear whispers.
"where are they going?"
"5 sickles says Jones is gonna be in hospital wing later."
"Nah 10 sickles they both will."

We walked out of the great hall ignoring the stares and whispers. We walked into the old Defence Against The Dark Arts room.

"So what did you wanna tall about?" I asked.

"What's going on between you and my cousin?" The voice replied. She wasnt angry, more calm. She isnt like Bellatrix so that does make sense, Bellatrix is more straight forward, lairy. She trys to scare people too often. This voice was quiet, calm, soft and gentle; not forcing me to say anything but still waiting for an answer.

"Who?" I replied in a soft tone not too loud to be heard outside but loud enough for her to hear.

"Regulus." She turned around and met my eyes. "I've t- tried to ask him about it b- but he wont s- say anything." I went to speak but she continued, "not that you have to say something" she rushed; "but i- I'm just curious i g-guess." She had a hint of fear in her tone, stuttering alot.

"Narcissa, are you ok? You sound scared." I asked looking rather concerned.

No response.

"Come on let's go somewhere else. It's cold down here anyway." She chuckled slightly.
"Okay, thanks"

Narcissa was always the nicer Black. I know I've only been at Hogwarts for a month but in the time I've been here, ive noticed alot. Sirius doesnt get on with his family, James and Sirius are like brothers, Bellatrix has a liking for the Dark Arts, Regulus trys to act tough but is actually a softy, Lily prefers to study then prank but I'm sure I could change that. Alice has a thing for somebody in the year above us (Longbottem) and alot more.

We finally arrived at the Gryffindor Common Room.
"Oh no- I cant go in there. I dont exactly get on well with them-" but I cut her of before she could finish.

"Well if they dont like it, that's their problem." She smiled at me. Not a smirk or a mischievous smile, a genuine happy smile. Dont think I've seen her smile like this before.

We entered the common room causing all eyes to turn on us.

"JONES! Where have you been?! Lily said my cousin spoke to u at breakfast and we havent seen you since. You wasnt in potions or transfiguration. Mcgonagal was worried too. Apparently youd never skip a class!" Sirius shouted while pacing, clearly not noticing his cousin next to me.

"Chill out Black. I'm fine. Since when do you care anyway. I-"


"DONT SPEAK TO HER LIKE THAT! LOWER YOUR DAM VOICE!" I shouted. There was a silence. "I dont give a dam if you lot dont like her. Now if you dont mind I'd like to go to my dormitory to finish this conversation." I finished.

"No buts Potter! Now move. Same for you Black!"

They moved out our way and I grabbed her arm pulling her into the dormitory.

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