Chapter 40 - Mudblood

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Amelia's hearing was coming back as she focused back to where she was.

"Hey, you good mate?" Peter rushed over and began to calm down Sirius.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sirius huffed, "A you okay?" He rushed over to where she was sat, there was glass all over the floor from where a bottle had been smashed.

She smiled sitting up, "yeah. Shit you're bleeding!" She whispered jumping up to grab some cloth.

"I'll go find the others and see how they're dealing with Lockhart. Minnie will probably be there already anyway." Peter stood up and walked out the dormitory.

She jumped up and made her way to the bathroom. "Come over here idiot." She gestured for him to follow her.

She jumped onto the bathroom counter, since he was rather tall compared to her, and began to clean the blood off Sirius. From where he had stopped the bottle hitting her glass had caused a deep cut on his hand which travelled up his arm.

He looked at her as she used some tweezers to remove the main bits of glass, "why don't you just use magic?" He asked nodding in the direction of her wand.

"I may as well do it the muggle way, also I don't know the right charm and the hospital wing is over the other side of the school." She didn't look up from what she was doing.

Picking up the last piece of glass she grabbed a damp piece of cloth and began to dab it on the wound.

"You do this often?"

"Sometimes when me or Lily fall of our boards."


"Yeah, skateboards." She applied a little pressure. "Its a muggle thing, wizards get brooms, muggles usally get skateboards."

He smiled at the girl as she focused on not causing him too much pain. His hands were covered in blood.

"How come theres so much blood?" She asked grabbing his other hand in attempt to find a cut.

"Broke his nose." Sirius smirked clearly feeling proud of what he did.

"I didn't need your help." She rolled her eyes as she started cleaning up his arm. "Also take your shirt off."

"Got a blood kink do we?"

"Shut up, I need to sort your arm out. Unless ofcourse you want to bleed through and potentially get infected."

He took of his shirt placing it on the floor, he stood there whilst she continued to clean his injuries. She tapped the cloth lightly wiping the blood off his arm and the blood off his chest.

"Who did this to you?" She traced one of the scars on his chest with her finger.

"Oh," his head dropped.

"If you don't want to say that's fine but if you need anything at all-"

"I'm fine."

"Okay but if you ever do need anything, a place to stay, somebody to talk to, anything at all-"

"I said I'm fine!" He snapped.

She brang the cloth back up to his chest wiping as much of the blood off as possible.

A silence filled the air, the only sound was the pitter patter as water fell into the sink.

He looked at her as a smile formed on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" She placed a hand on his bare chest as she looked up to him.

"You're the only person to take care of me like this," he said. "Except Prongs ofcourse." He chuckled bringing a hand up to Amelia's cheek wiping a finger along if softly. The two sat there for a moment, his hand on her cheek and her hand on his chest.

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