Chapter 33 - James Potter

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That morning many woke up in unfamiliar places, others dormitories, common rooms, classrooms, fields and many places few had been. The halls were empty due to other years studying and 5th years asleep.

"What time is it?" Narcissa groaned squinting at the open curtains.

"Time to get up apparently," Alice yawned before facing her pillow to block out the light.

"It's like eight in the morning!" Amelia complained pulling the cover over her head.

"Actually it's-" Marlene looked at the clock. "Eleven." She stood up making her way to the box with some of the potion in. "Here," she threw it to Narcissa. "Drink, then pass to somebody else." She walked to the bathroom to get dressed.

Lily walked over to her wardrobe pulling out some clothes for the rest of them, "even Marlene's up yet you three are still in bed. For godrics sake."

Marlene came rushing out the bathroom, "shit. We have detention for the prank the other day, by the other day i mean the first day back with the common room thing. Mcgonagal found out it was us four. Cissy you can sleep but the rest of us has detention in two hours so we may wanna get up and dressed." At that Amelia and Alice jumped out of bed; they rushed over to the bathroom passing toothpaste, toothbrushes and face wipes to each other.

"That was you guys? Even you?" Narcissa sat up looking at Lily as she nodded. "Fair enough. Good luck, apparently detentions cleaning-"

"The dungeons or whatever mess the first years made!" Amelia shouted, "Peter told me."

Narcissa pulled her covers back up covering her head as she drifted back to sleep, "wake up me up when your back," she mumbled.

The four spent the next hour getting ready for detention and heading to the kitchen for a quick snack to tied them over until dinner. For the remaining hour they sat on the courtyard discussing plans for the quidditch cup.

"My mum will probably let me go if your going," Lily nodded at Amelia. "She trusts you for some reason so if you go i will."

"My parents will most likely let me anyway, they want me to get out more often. Apparently, i spend too much time reading about plants." Alice rolled her eyes as she leant back onto the wall.

"What's going on over there?" Marlene nodded towards a group of Hufflepuffs who seemed to be shouting at a Ravenclaw. A few people had stopped to see what was going on but nobody really understood. The four girls stood up and made their way over to the shouting group.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED TO DO ANYTHING WHEN HE WAS CLEARLY DRUNK AND LOOKING FOR SOMEBODY ELSE!" One shouted, the Hufflepuffs rarely shout at people; usually deciding to mind their own business so naturally people were surprised.


"He was enjoying it, he kept-"

"NO HE WASN'T! ME AND MY FRIENDS HAD TO COME AND GET HIM TO SOBER HIM UP AND TAKE HIM BACK TO HIS DORMITORY." The Hufflepuff calmed down sensing the crowd she had attracted, "you are in the wrong here. You are the one who continued to touch him after he made it clear he didn't want to anymore. You are the one who chose to ignore him saying no and asking for somebody else. You are the problem, so i suggest you go find him and apologise for your actions-"

"Oh my goodness what is going on here!?" Mcgonagal screeched walking over to the group of screaming students. "You, with me now." She pointed at Emris Wyllt, a Hufflepuff who had been shouting. "And you too," she turned to Amara Keres, the Ravenclaw who had been unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of Wyllt's anger. Before they walked away Mcgonagal turned to Marlene, Amelia, Lily and Alice.

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