Chapter 38 - For the stories

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The last day of summer term had arrived, students rushing around to do some last minute packing.

It was their last day of fifth year.

"I did it." Marlene collapsed onto her bed. "I asked her out. I asked Dorcas out."

"Did she say yes or did you run away before she could answer again?" Lily asked throwing her trunk on her bed.

"That's a good point," Alice nodded as she placed some sweaters in her trunk.

"Oh haha very funny guys." She flipped them off. "Why do you lot always take the piss out of me and not little miss 'just friends' over here?!" She gestured to Amelia who was still asleep.

"I said giving her a dagger would be a bad idea but did you listen? No." Lily picked up the shimmering dagger.

"It was hot though, she wouldn't of killed that girl anyway. I heard that apparently Amara's left, her mother didn't want her attending somewhere with people like me and Amelia. Like the fuck we going to do, I said i'm lesbian not desperate." Marlene rolled off her bed and pulled Amelia's cover off her. Groaning in response she slowly crawled out of bed to begin packing. She could hear Lily complaining that she hadn't begun yet despite the carriages leaving in an hour.

Alice had decided to play some of Lily's music in the background but couldn't figure out how to work her record player.

"Lily! How does this muggle thing work?" She called desperately trying to figure it out. Chuckling Lily walked over to her shelf selecting one of her vinyls, killer queen.

"Play this," she walked over placing it on the record player watching as Alice gasped when the music began. "It's Killer Queen by Queen."

Amelia walked over turning the volume up slightly.

"No, we aren't about to turn everybody deaf!" Lily tried to shout over the music.

"Caviar and cigarettes, well versed in etiquette, extraordinary nice." Played over the top of her screams soon followed by Amelia screaming the lyrics out of spite.

"SHE'S A KILLER QUEEEEEN!" Amelia grabbed a feather scarf wrapping it around Lilys neck. "GUNPOWDER, GELATINE!" Continued the blonde as she pulled Alice over to her and began dancing with her. Soon followed by Marlene joining in dancing like a bunch of idiots listening to the music in the back.

"Drop of a hat shes as willing as, playful as a pussy cat!" Marlene sung putting on one of her jackets her father had got her for her birthday last year.

"You look like idiots!" Lily tried to shout but was cut off by the music. Rolling her eyes she kept packing forgetting about the feathers around her neck.

"SHES A KILLER QUEEEEEEN!" The three sung at the top of their lungs throwing random items of clothing at each other until the music ended.

When the music finally stopped they fell onto the floor in a fit of giggles.

"Playing music without me?" Narcissa walked round the corner smiling. "I'm hurt." She placed a hand on her heart.

The girls stood up running over to hug their friend.

"Before you ask. Yes i'm fine, no my parents weren't too harsh on me and i'm not allowed to hang around with you guys but what's one hour going to do, right?" She rushed into the dorm shutting the door behind her. "Play some music bitches!" They laughed watching Lily shake her head disapprovingly.

"Fine, one song then back to packing." The ginger walked back over to her shelf picking up another, "this is a good one." She took the vinyl out the case and place it down waiting for the music.

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