Chapter 41 - Jolie fille

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An: The title is French I believe.

"Jones! Wait up," Remus called as he ran through the halls.

Stopping in her tracks Amelia turned around holding out her arms for Remus to hold onto, "running not your specialty?"

He gripped her arm to hold himself up, "something like that."

The two stood in the hallway for a moment waiting for Remus to catch his breath. The halls were full of students trying to get to their next class or the great hall to study.

"What class you got?" Remus leant against the wall allowing first years to rush past him.

"Divination," she smiled picking up the chocolate he had dropped.

"Ah, good luck." He placed the bar of chocolate into his pocket, "should be easy for you. Sirius says you're great at it." He offered her a piece, "we're sorry for how we acted earlier. I should've stopped the others-"

"Don't worry about it, if anyone should be apologising its Snape to Lily."

"You got a good punch, remind me not to piss you off."

She chuckled nodding in response.

"I'm not sure if you knew or anything but tomorrow is Sirius's-"

"Birthday. Yeah I know, have it marked in my calendar."

He smiled at her. "So, the million dollar question, why aren't the two of you dating?"

She shook her head laughing slightly, just friends. "Just friends." The words echoed in her head, "that's what he wants. Even so the two of us are friends, nothing more."

He smiled slightly, "ofcourse you are. You better go to class, or ill have to remove house points." She rolled her eyes at his attempt to be a responsible prefect, "oh. Lily said you're going to the library later, can you grab me the Advanced Rune Translation book when you go? I was supposed to pick it up earlier but forgot."

She nodded, "call me A instead of Jones. Short for Amelia," he smiled doing a small salute as she walked off watching as she did one back. He walked in the opposite direction, off to the library.


"Mr Black, I ask you to remove your tie from your head and instead tie it around your neck. Five points from Gryffindor." Professor Mopsus called as students heard him walked up the ladder. "I ask you all to calm down and be quiet. Today we will be taking a look at tarot cards." The professor continued to speak as he walked through the door and removed his jacket placing it on his chair.

Amelia had sat on a table on her right a boy she didn't quite recognise and on her left girl she had seem around a few times.

"Rather boring, don't you think? I mean how on earth can you predict the future from some paper." The boy whispered rolling his eyes, the girl gave a quiet laugh.

"Mr Brown I ask for you to be quiet. You may flirt with Miss Jones and Miss- I'm sorry but I seem to have forgotten your name." The professor placed two hands on his desk leaning on it slightly.

"Violet, Violet Moody."

"I apologise." He let go of his desk standing up straight. "Now, tarot card reading." Professor Mopsus began to write on the chalkboard while packs of cards floated through the air, landing on each table.

The boy leant back in his chair muttering something under his breath. Rolling her eyes at the boys childish behaviour Violet began to scribble down each card and their meanings.

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