No one touches her

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When I got back to my cabin I took a shower and brushed my teeth ready for what's to come. To be honest the thought of sleep scares me, whenever I close my eyes I have visions of me losing Annabeth or memories from Tartarus, and now I assume I'll have memories from the War.
I crawl into bed,  laying my head on the pillow and all is silent except for the small rush of water from the fountain and the clinks of metal from Tysons hippocampi he made a few summers ago.
  I don't want to sleep but I'm exhausted, I know my body needs rest but I fight sleep for as long as I can.
I stare at the ceiling for about 2 hours before I finally start to drift off and memories of Tarturus full my mind.


After Percy dropped me off at my cabin I reluctantly let go of his arm.
To tell the truth, I was scared of losing him again. I'm not normally this clingy but after the last war Percy went missing for 8 months and a small voice in the back of my mind thinks it will happen again.

When I see him vanish into the Poseidon cabin I start to get ready for bed, terrified of what I will see in my dreams tonight. It will most likely be losing Percy and becoming trapped in Tartarus again.
I crawl under the covers and lay my head on my pillow. I start to drift into the realm of sleep hopping it's not as bad as 2 nights ago when I was screaming for 3 hours straight. I start to fall asleep.

I see a grave stone. I walk up closer to it and see the name of Percy. I fall to my knees crying all I can hear are Tartarus and Gaia laughing in the distance.  I walk along the next few gravestones and they read;
Selina Bueregaed
Charlie Bekendorf
Luke Castellan
Piper McLean
Jason Grace
Frank Zhang
Hazel Levesque
Leo Valdez

The last one reads:
Annabeth Jackson

Then the Dream shifts I'm standing next to Percy I look 5 months pregnant and we are standing at another grave. This time it reads

"Luke, beloved to all especially his mother and father Percy and Annabeth Jackson." This time I break down and start screaming Percy just stands there unfazed.

I jolt you from my nightmare about Annabeth dying to hear the screams of my girlfriend echoing through camp.
I rip my sheets off and run barefoot to the Athena cabin to see a crowd of about 15 people.
They are all trying to shake her awake but she continues kicking and screaming.
From what I can see Malcom already has a black eye and her sister Emma has a handprint across her arm.
Before I know what I'm doing, I shout.
"No one touches her!"
As soon as they here that they make a path for me to get to Annabeth's bed. I immediately ran to her side, I pick her up and start cradling her in my arms.
"Annabeth please wake up. Your safe your ok, I'm here I love you."
I whispered that into her ear and after five minutes she opened her eyes.
"P-Percy-I saw-" she started I kissed her forehead and she knew she didn't have to say it right now. She started sobbing and I gently rocked her back to sleep before laying next to her.
The Athena campers didn't say anything I could here them shuffle back to bed. I felt a blanket being laid on me, I turned my head to see who it was it was Annabeth's half sister Emma.
Emma was a few years younger then Annabeth but really smart. Emma whispered a small "thank you" and walked over to her bunk. The first night Paige stayed at camp Annabeth had a really bad nightmare and after that night Paige was determined to keep Annabeth safe. I slowly feel asleep to be met with a good dream of me and Annabeth.

Thanks for reading have a good day or night wherever you are.

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