New meets old...

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It's been 2 weeks since Annabeth told me about her idea for Half-blood city. She brought it up with Chiron and Mr. D yesterday, they both thought it was a good idea to have some place other than camp to keep Demi-gods safe.
So like Annabeth does, she started work immediately which ment she locked herself in her cabin for hours on end and I had to beg her to eat something.
  When she was in the zone you couldn't get her out. I had some of my own planing to get done later but I didn't trust the Hephaestus campers as much as I trusted Leo. I had a gut feeling that he would come back. Leo has officially been gone for 4 months since the end of the war. I decided to go sit at the bottom of the lake to think about how I wanted it to look.

Having Annabeth as a half sister is amazing she helps me with homework and battle strategy. She is more of a sister then I had back home. I'm 12 and 5'7 not the normal hight for girls my age but who needs normal. I also have glasses some people think I'm only smart because I wear glasses.
  Anyway that was a little bit about me. Annabeth was working on Half-Blood city. I can't wait to see how it looks, I walk out of the cabin to see a girl about my age all bloody and hurt. I quickly rush to her aid before she collapses. I yell for a Apollo medic. I see Will run towards me, "Oh Gods, what happened" he asks me as he waved over some more Apollo campers with a stretcher.
"I saw her walk through the barrier all bloody so she has to be a half-blood." I told Will he nodded and hurried off the the infirmary. I walked off wondering what just happened.

   I was sitting in my cabin working on a paper for school when I hear a knock on the door, Annabeth and I are the only ones in the cabin and she's on a work overload so I got up and got the door.
   I opened the door to see Will, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the infirmary telling me that the new girl was waking up.
  As soon as we got to her room I noticed that she was clean and free of all injuries except a bandage around her arm. Her eyes were closed and she had a smile on her lips like she was remembering something happy. "We gave her ambrosia and she didn't burn up so we know she's a Demi-god." Will tells me. I sit next to her and her eyes start fluttering open. Will rushes over and takes all her vitals, she opens her eyes fully to reveal a pale blue. "Where am I?" She asks in a quiet voice.

Will smiles slightly,  "This is a place for people like you. You have a broken arm but there's not much I can do about that so you'll need to take it easy for a while."

"What's your name?" I ask and she realizes there is someone other than Will in the room. She hesitates for a moment before saying,
"It's Sophie"
"Nice to meet you Sophie, I'm Emma."
The horn sounds for lunch, and Annabeth needs to eat something so I run off to grab Percy.

I was sitting at the bottom of the lake when I hear a splash above me.
  I look up to see Emma swimming closer to me, I make an air bubble around her head so she is able to breath.
  She makes it down to me and tells me it's time for lunch and how I need to get Annabeth to eat something.
  When we get to the surface I will myself and her dry and head to the Athena Cabin to find Annebeth.
I knock on the door but nobody says anything so I walk in to find Annabeth with her golden hair in the bun as she furiously writes things down on a piece of graph paper.
  She has dark circles under her eyes and it looks like she hasn't slept.
I gently grab the notebook and pencil from her hand and she looks up at me,
"Wise Girl, you need to eat something, Please?"

She nods weakly as I help her off the bed and she almost falls to the floor but I catch her in time.
I gently force her face to look up at me,
"When was the last time you ate or slept?

Annabeth shrugs indicating that she can't remember.
I sigh as I help her to the dining pavilion. Even though it's against the rules, she sits at the Poseidon Table.
I immediately get her some food. She quietly thinks me and starts eating the applesauce I got for her. She doesn't really like applesauce but when she's starving she'll eat it and it's easy on the stomach, especially you haven't eaten in two days. Each bit she takes she looks better. She is midway eating another spoonful when we hear screaming coming from the forest.
  Annabeth gets up but she wobbles on her feet so I help her back down, she is in so condition to fight whatever people are screaming about.
She opens her mouth to protest but I look at her with a look that says "I don't think so" and I run off to see what's happening.
I see a big golden dragon and I can't believe my eyes.
  I see Piper and Jason run up to meet their missing friend. I break into a run and tackle them to the ground and we all start laughing and crying. I see Emma in the crowd and instruct her to get Annabeth.
She runs to get Annabeth and we all get up off the ground. I got up to our friend that we have been morning for months, I punch him on the shoulder and then hug him again and he hugs me back. Piper is next and she slaps him across the face but
  Leo only says,"Ok I guess I deserve that."

Piper looks furious and I wasn't envy of Leo,
I CRIED FOR FIVE DAYS STRAIGHT." Piper yells at him.
  Leo goes up to Piper and hugs her while she cries her eyes out on his shoulder.
  Jason is trying to hold in the tears but fails and hugs his best friend. Annabeth runs over to me and looks at me wondering where he is. I point to where Jason and Piper are hugging Leo. Annabeth runs over Piper and Jason noticed and quickly moved to the side. Annabeth tackles Leo to the ground and cries while hugging him.

"Leo, who's that?" Jason asks and points to a girl with caramel colored hair. My eyes immediately get wide, Calypso.
  "Hi Percy." She says and waves a little bit.
"Uh Umm- Hi Calypso." I say and run a hand through my hair.
  "Everyone this is Calypso, Calypso this is Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth and you already know Percy." Leo says and looks at me with a frown.
  I look over and Annabeth is glaring at Calypso and Calypso is looking at the ground.  I sigh hoping they don't kill each other.

Everyone is talking to Leo and Calypso comes over to Annabeth and I.
"I'm really sorry Annabeth about cursing you, I hope you can forgive me." She says and turns to me.

"Percy I'm really sorry about trying to stop you from being with Annabeth."

  "I'm sorry about not following up on the Gods promise to set you free, but I think Leo really likes you." I tell her and she smiles.

  "Calypso, I get why you did it and I would've done the same thing, but I agree with Percy, Leo definitely likes you." Annabeth says and smiles, "I forgive you."

  (After everyone slaps,punches, or hugs Leo)
    Everyone is sitting by the campfire it hard to stay awake because I haven't slept in 2 days. Percy wrapped my in a blanket and is rocking me back and forth to the melody of the songs the Apollo campers are singing. I have this faint yellow glow in the corner of my eyes and the singing and music stops and I look over to see the new girl I think her name is Sophie, being claimed by the Goddess Nike.
"All bow to Sophie Miller, daughter of Nike goddess of  speed strength and victory." Everyone that could bowed and we resumed singing I couldn't stand it anymore I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the movement of Percy rocking me back and forth.

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