Its A...

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     Today is the day of Piper and Jason's gender reveal and I've gotten at least five calls from both Jason and Piper freaking out, saying they're regretting not knowing and want me to tell them.
    I kept my mouth shut but they kept calling. 

     Percy has been helping me plan how we are going to announce it to everyone. Percy wanted to do the cake that we had for Zoë since it was simple but I thought Piper would like something different. 

     I looked online and found something I think Piper would like.
   My train of thought is stopped by Zoë crawling into my room and pulling on my pant leg.

   I smile and pick her up, 

   "Hey baby what are you up too and where is your daddy?" I ask her and she smiles at the mention of her dad. 
   She is such a daddy's girl and I love that.  Percy walks into the room and smiles relived, 

     "Hey, I set Zoë on the floor in her room and turned around, when I looked back she was gone. I was freaking out but she came in here." He says and sits down next to me on the bed. 

    I laugh and Percy takes Zoe from me.  "What time to we have to be at their house?" Percy asks me.  I look through my closest to find something to wear today,

   "About noon just so we can set up and get things ready before everyone comes."  I tell him. Percy nods and goes down to the living room to play with Zoe. 
I find a white long sleeve shirt and some jeans.  After I change I go into Zoë's room and get out a little tan shirt and some gray pants and bring them downstairs.

  Percy is playing with Zoë on the floor, Zoe crawls over to me and I pick her up.

  "Hey lets get you dressed." I tell her and lay her on the couch which she repetitively tries to roll off of.

    I change her out of her pj's and into her outfit before I check the time,

   "Hey, Percy we should get going." I tell him.

"Ok, I'll go get the diaper bag." He says and walks upstairs.
    I pick Zoë up and put her little shoes on and then I put my own on. Percy comes down with the diaper bag and sets it by the door. We get in the car and start the fifteen minute drive to Piper and Jason's house.
  Zoë has gotten better at sitting in her car seat but still hates it. We've found that if she's in there for  longer than ten minutes she absolutely loses her mind.
Piper and Jason bought a house a few weeks after they got married and it was beautiful.

   We pull into the driveway and Piper walk out of the house to help us. I hug her,

   "Hey Pipes how are you?" I ask and go get Zoë from the backseat before she loses it even further.

"I'm doing good, I'm very excited and nervous to find out the gender of the baby. Now let's get inside it's cold."

   She says with a smile and lays her hand on her belly.
   We walk inside and the house is decorated for Christmas, our house looks the same but we had to put a baby gate around the tree so Zoë doesn't get to it.
   "Wow Piper the house looks amazing!" I say and set the diaper bag down. Zoë bounces up and down in my arms and Piper laughs.
  "Thank you, I've been, oh what did you call it? Nesting? The Christmas season is making it worse."
   "Nesting gets really bad towards the end of the pregnancy but at least the house looks amazing. When I was nesting with Zoë I made Percy put all the chemical cleaners or anything that didn't have organic products in it, in the attic. We've since gotten them down but we used soap and water to clean everything for about four months."

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