Perfect Life

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    Annabeth went to the doctors with Piper this morning so she knows the gender of their baby as Jason and Piper want it to be a surprise for themselves.
They want a small party with the 7, Nico, and Reyna.
Jason asked Thalia but she said she had Hunter stuff to do but she really wanted to come. 

So since Annabeth is gone for the next few hours because Piper wanted to go shopping for baby clothes. 

So I'm watching Zoë today.

She's getting so big, she's already ten almost eleven months old.
     I pick her up from her high chair after breakfast and wipe down her face and hands which I'm convinced she had gotten more food on her face than in her mouth.

I get her dressed into a a whit long sleeve shirt with a snowman on it, some jeans and a red headband. Her hair is getting so long and it looks beautiful with her stormy gray eyes.
She smiles when I pick her up and bring her into the living room.

Zoë's babbling brings me back to reality she's climbing up the couch and I grab her before she has the chance to fall.
"Your mom would kill me if she saw you do what you just did."
Zoë just smiles and starts tugging on my shirt which she does with Annabeth when she's hungry.

I've noticed recently that she will be content if she's with Annabeth but she's definitely a daddy's girl. Her birthday is in a few weeks and she's getting so big.
I take her into the kitchen and set her in the high chair. She plays with one of her toys that Leo made her while I cook some scrambled eggs for her which she seems to enjoy.

She spends more time throwing the food on the floor than eating it but it's cute to watch her so I don't mind. She does end up eating some of the food though which is good.


After the doctors appointment Piper wanted to go shopping for a little while so she could get things like a car seat, a stroller and some all gender clothing that would fit both a boy and a girl.

After a hour of shopping I called Percy to tell him we're on our way back to the house.

Piper and I were very hungry and needed something to eat and I have a feeling Jason was terrified to be in a car with two hungry and tired pregnant women.

Jason pulled into the driveway and we all got out of the car.

I unlocked the door and went into the living room to find Percy asleep on the couch with Zoë sleeping on his chest. I smile before taking a photo and went into the kitchen to make some lunch. Piper and Jason walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.
"I'm so excited for this baby to be here even though there is still four months to go." Piper says with a smile.
"I can't wait for my babies to get here, I didn't expect another baby this early and I definitely didn't expect two babies this early after having Zoë. But I guess things happen for a reason." I say taking a bite of my sandwich.

After a little while longer of talking and eating some more, Percy walks in with Zoë on his hip.
"Hey wise girl, I think she's hungry if you could feed her." He tells me and kisses my head.

I take Zoë from him and walk into the living room.
"Hey sweetheart, are you hungry." I ask and lift my shirt up.
She laches on and I cover up with a light blanket, I'm trying to ween her off of nursing since the twins will be here soon.
Piper walk in and sits down next to me and places her hands on her belly,
"To be honest Annabeth I'm really scared I'm not going to be a good mother because my own mother wasn't there for me, I was there when you found out you were pregnant with Zoë and you were freaking out. I was too but I was more in shock then I was freaking out." Piper says and throws her head back.

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