To sleep or not to sleep that is the question?

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I was sitting next to Annabeth in the infirmary, she was still sleeping I was bored and wanted to hang out with her but she needs her sleep.
  Will comes in and calls me out into the hall. "What's up?" I ask him.

   "Well, there's a lot to say. Let's start with the fact that, she hasn't been sleeping for 3-5 days.
  She's stressed and you leaving for 2 days didn't help. Malcom tells me that she's been working non stop on HBC (half-blood city). It's not good for her health. She could get really sick. In fact she is running a 101.4 degree fever. We will get more answers on why she's not sleeping when she wakes up." Will tells me. I have tears in my eyes when I hear it's been 3-5 days since she's slept.

I go back in the room and sit by her side playing with her fingers for about a hour before she starts to wake up.
  I press the button the calls a doctor before she realizes what I did.
  She opens her eyes and smiles at me and I smile back. Will walks in and starts checking her vitals, "Annabeth why haven't you been sleeping." I ask her.
  She looks down and I see a tear drop on the bed sheets. Will walks out but looks at me with a look that says 'tell me later'.
   I lift Annabeth's chin so she's looking at me. She has tears in her eyes and says in a whisper so I can barely hear her, "I'm scared."

"What?" I ask her confused

  "I'm scared ok, I'm scared to go to sleep it scares me the nightmares. This one dream I have it's a reoccurring dream. I'm standing next to your grave 5 months pregnant wondering how I'm going to take care of the baby all by myself, then the seen shifts to you and I, I'm pregnant still and we are looking at another grave Percy it was the grave of our child. I can't do that again I just can't." She tells me. She starts sobbing in her hands.
  I get up from my chair and sit with her on the bed. She takes her head out of her hands and starts sobbing into my chest. She stops sobbing and starts shaking. I can't get her to stop so I press the button that calls Will.

Will runs in and sees what's going on. He calms down a little bit and says,
  "She's having a panic attack." Will gets a oxygen mask from the cart next to her bed and hands it to me. I lift her head off my chest and put the oxygen mask on her face. "Annabeth take deep breaths." I whisper into her ear. I demonstrate breathing and she copies my movements and calms down slightly.
I rub circles on her back while Will talks to me.

   "She needs more sleep, I talked to Chiron and as much as he doesn't like it she needs to sleep somewhere else where there aren't blueprints everywhere. And that somewhere is your cabin." He tells me.
I'm shocked that Chiron would agree to this. "For her health she is on bedrest for the rest of the week and after the week is up she can only work on HBC for two hours with 25 minute breaks during the two hours" Will tells me. I nod and look down am I sleeping girlfriend.
  She looks a lot less tired and stressed when she sleeps, "When can she be released?" I ask Will.

  "I would say when she wakes up, and when she's released take her straight to your cabin and I'll have Nico go to the Athena cabin and get her books so she can read and not be completely bored out of her mind . Also she can leave the cabin to eat but she has to be in bed by nine o'clock to nine thirty every night till she feels 100% better." Will tells me. After 5 minutes of Will and I talking about Annabeth and my baby sister Estelle he leaves to go check on another patient. Annabeth wakes up about 2 minutes after Will leaves.

"Hey wise girl." I tell her and rub her back.
"Hey, can I go back to my cabin I need to work on the city." She asks me.

  I frown and tell her everything Will told me about having her sleep in my cabin so she actually sleeps.

  She looks up at me and says, "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to deal with me. You keep having to take care of me and I'm just sorry." She tells me and looks down.

   I shake my head and say, "Annabeth Chase don't you ever say that again. You should never be sorry for me having to take care of you, I enjoy it and I will take care of you whenever you need taken care of. I swear on the river Styx." I tell her.
She nods but I can tell she's not convinced.

   I check her out of the infirmary and we walk back to my cabin. She lays down on the spare bed and makes herself at home. She picks up a book called Αλίκη στη χώρα των θαυμάτων (or Alice in wonderland if you speak English.) She started reading and I got Riptide out and started polishing it.
After about a hour Annabeth asks me,
  "Did your seaweed brain self sneak any food in here or do I have to wait and starve till dinner."

I laugh and say, "Of course my seaweed brain self snuck food in you don't think this is my first rodeo do you?" I ask her with a smile on my face.
She laughed a little and I go into my secret drawer under my bed and hand her a banana. She eats the banana while I eat a granola bar. We talk about dumb stuff most teenagers talk about.

  We hear the dinner bell ring and I help her get out of bed and we walk down to the dining pavilion and it looks so much better already.

  Annabeth sits with me as always and Will walks over.
  "Annabeth I've planed out what you will eat for this next week so you can get your strength up." Will tells her. Almost immediately a lemon chicken with carrots and apple slices appear on her plate. She smiles happy with Wills choice.
  I have a blue stake and dig in.


After dinner Annabeth and I walk back to the cabin and Annabeth starts to get ready for bed.
   It's only 7:00 but she gets her 2 hours to work on the city.
   She says it should be done within the week if she could work overtime like she has been doing. I said absolutely not and kissed her head.
  She starts working and I go out to the campfire. My alarm goes off on my monster proof phone when I'm talking to Jason. The alarm let's me know when it's 8:55 so I can get back to the cabin by 9. Jason and I say out goodbyes and I walk back to the cabin. I walk in to see a sleeping Annabeth with blueprints everywhere. I smile to myself and pick up the blueprints and get Annabeth into a more comfortable position. I get ready for bed, before I get in bed I kiss Annabeth on her Forehead and whisper 'good night' in her ear. I get in bed and close my eyes.


Hi guppies (that's what I'm calling my reader from now on) hope you liked this chapter. I will probably upload 2-3 times a week depending on the week. Have a great day or night wherever you are. This week's shoutout goes to yourfavorite_weirdo

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