A day at Camp

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I help Zoë out of the car and I could tell she wants to run to camp. "Stay here while I help mama." I tell her and she frowns but nods.
I help Annabeth with the twins, she grabs Hunter and Morgan, "grab the diaper bag and Zoë and we can go" she says and I grab the diaper bag.
"Zoë you ready?" I ask her and she nods.
I put her on my shoulders and we walk to Thalia's tree.
We go through the barrier and we start walking to the Poseidon cabin.
Zoë runs inside and looks around. Annabeth sets the twins down on the bed and they play with each other.
"Ok let's do say hello to Chiron, and Paige." Annabeth says. Paige and Taylor haven't been talking for a long time and Annabeth is a little worried about how Paige is taking it.
   Considering she's a daughter of Aries Cassandra and Paige get along really well. I put Zoë on my shoulder and Annabeth grabs the twins.
We walk to the big house and Zoë laughs looking at all the people.
   I knock on the door and Chiron tells us to come in.
"Hello children what brings you here?" Chiron asks and I set Zoë down. Chiron is in his wheelchair so she goes over to him and he picks her up.
  "It's my day off so we decided to come up here." I tell him and he smiles at Zoë.
   "Well have a wonderful day, take Zoë up to the strawberry fields they are perfectly ripe this time of year." Chiron says and Zoë perks up at strawberries.
  We talk for a little while then go to the Athena cabin.
  Annabeth opens the door and Paige looks up from her work and fun's over to Annabeth.
  "Oh it's so nice to see you guys again." She says and hugs both of us.
  "It's good to see you too, how is everything?" Annabeth asked her sister.

  "Pretty good, we got a new camper three days ago. His name is Arron, he hasn't been claimed yet and he's really good at everything he does which makes me think he's a son of Nike. But we'll find out soon I hope, he's kinda cute. Andrew broke up with me a few weeks ago." She says with a sad smile. Annabeth hugs her again and sits down on the bed next to her.
"If you guys wanna talk I can take the kids down to the beach, I don't think Hunter wants to leave his mommy though." I say with a laugh.
"He can stay here you have some fun with Zoë and Morgan." Annabeth says and hands Morgan to me.

We go down to the beach and Zoë is very excited to get in the water. "Please can we go swimming daddy." She asks and jumps up and down on the sand.
  "Yes baby let's get you into your swimsuit first." I say and we walk over to the Poseidon cabin to get changed. I help Zoë into her swimsuit and then get Morgan changed into hers. I put on some swim trunks and we go down to the water. Zoë runs in and starts splashing around. I laugh and go in, Morgan seems a little nervous but after a few minutes she seems ok with splashing a little bit.
   "Daddy can you show me how to swim?" Zoë asks me.
  "Yes, but we need someone to watch your sister because I can't leave her alone." I say and hear someone call my name.
I turn around and Annabeth is in her swimsuit with Hunter on her hip and a beach towel in her hand.
  "Hey go hug mama." I tell Zoë and she nods with a  mischievous smile. She runs over to Annabeth and hugs her legs. Annabeth looks at me and I smile happily. She shakes her head and hugs Zoë back.
    I go over to them and sit down on the sand, "Annabeth Zoë wants to learn how to swim can you watch Morgan?" I ask and Annabeth looks at Zoë who is giving her, her baby seal eyes.
  "Yes go have fun you two." She says and takes Morgan from me. Zoë laughs when I pick her up and put her on my shoulders.

  "Ok first I want you to lay on your back and float." I say and she does what I instruct and lays on her back. I put my hand under her back but she didn't need that she floated for a long time.
  "Ok good job baby, now can you float on your stomach with your face in the water."  I say and she nods.
  She puts her face in the water and stays there for about a minute before she came back up with a smile on her face, "They fish said hello daddy." She says and puts her head back under. I go under the water and Zoë is talking to some fish and breathing like normal.
  "Zoë come here." I say and she swims down to where I am. I make a air bubble on the ocean floor and she smiles.
  "You are great at swimming, and you can breathe and talk to fish just like I can." I say and she smiles.
   "Can we go play with mama?" She asks and I smile.
"Yes come on." I say and pop the bubble. She swims up to the top and I pick her up and she giggles.

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