Marry me Juliet?

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It's been 2 weeks since Annabeth and I have started sharing a cabin.
  She's gotten back to her old self which made everyone very happy. I'm planing on proposing to Annabeth tonight aka the 4th of July.

   Leo helped me yet again with the proposal I can't thank him enough. He's done so much already. Annabeth is training with the younger campers while I'm laying on my bed thinking about tonight when someone knocks on the door.

   I get up off the bed and open the door to see Piper and Jason. Piper hands me something and I give her a confused look.
"You really are a seaweed brain, it's your outfit for tonight."
  "Oh, so I still don't understand how this is going to work." I tell Piper and she rolls her eyes.

  "Oh my gods Percy have you not been paying attention. When the fireworks start you say you have to go to the bathroom, you come here instead and Jason, Leo, and Frank will help you get ready.      Hazel knows and was really happy when I told her. Anyway after you leave I will go around with my charmspeak and tell everyone to be quiet.
   You will tap on Annabeth's shoulder and give your speech propose and live happily ever after. Did I cover everything?" Jason laughs at his girlfriend and shakes his head.
  We talk for about 20 minutes when Annabeth walks in Piper looks at me and whispers
"I'll handle this." I nod and look at Annabeth,

   "Annabeth I need help picking my dress for tonight." Piper wines. Annabeth looks suspicious but agrees and Piper squeals, grabs Annabeth's hand and runs off to the Aphrodite cabin.

  Jason and I talk for a hour or two before Annabeth comes back and looks tired.
"Annabeth you need to sleep" I tell her she nods sleepily and crawls under the sheets. She falls asleep and I go kiss her forehead. Jason and I talk for a few more minutes before he leaves to go prepare for tonight and by that he meant take a nap.
   I try to take a nap too but about 10 minutes into me trying to fall asleep Annabeth starts talking in her sleep. I bolt up and run over to her bed. She starts smiling and says, "Zoë come bac-" before she could finish her sentence she scoots closer to me and puts her head in my lap.
I smile and look down at my sleeping girlfriend.

She sleeps for about 1 and a half before she starts to wake up.  She sees me and smiles. "Hey." I say.
"Hi, what time is it."
"Three Thirty, you slept a long time." I tell her.

   She sits up and leans her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and hold her for a little while before we hear the horn for lunch. Annabeth and I get up and start waking to the dining pavilion.
Annabeth went to sit with her siblings for a change and I went to sit at the Poseidon table. For lunch I had blue pizza, blueberries, and water.


Everyone just finished dinner and Annabeth and I were walking around camp because everyone was getting ready for tonight.
   We were walking to the Aphrodite cabin so Piper could help Annabeth get dressed. I dropped her off and walked back to my cabin to make sure everything was ready for tonight.

  I was so nervous she would say she's not ready to get married,have a family, make me blue cookies, dam you ADHD that was off topic.
   I wanted at least 3 children and maybe a normal sized dog. What if Annabeth didn't want any of that. I mean we are 18, but maybe she wants to wait. I'm stressing myself out.
   I start pacing my cabin thinking about everything that could go wrong when Jason,Frank, and Leo walk in.
"Wow, Percy Jackson two time savior of Olympus nervous?" Jason said with a smirk on his face.
I rolled my eyes and said,

  "Yes I'm nervous what if she says no, what if she's not ready, what if-" Leo cuts me off by grabbing my shoulders.
"Percy calm the Hades down, she is gonna say yes, if not you can punch me." I laughed a little and took a deep breath.
I changed into some jeans and a camp t-shirt. Someone knocked on the door, I opened it to see a beautiful Annabeth. She was wearing a floor length blue dress with white flowers on it. Her hair fell on her shoulders. Gods she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
"Close your mouth seaweed brain, you'll catch flys." She tells me. The guys are laughing in the background.

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