Two Months and a Visit from Dad

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Hunter and Morgan have gotten better at sleeping through the night. Annabeth is getting the twins ready because her dad, step mom, and twin brothers are visiting today.
We are meeting them in the city since they can't get into Half Blood City.

    I pick Zoë up from her high chair and bring her upstairs so I can change her and get her dressed.
I change her into a light yellow shirt with a bee on it and some jeans. After that I brush her hair,
"Da-da" she says and reaches her arms up for me. I pick her up and she giggles.
"You're growing up to fast, slow down." I say and tickle her stomach.

    I take her into the twins room and Annabeth is laughing at Hunter and Morgan.
"Hey." I say and kiss her.
"Watch this." She says and hovers her hand over Hunter's belly and he looks up at her hand. She puts her hand on his stomach and tickles him. He smiles really big and laughs a little.
Annabeth and I both laugh and I pick Morgan up. She's still in her pajamas so I grab a onesie from the dresser and change her into it.

"Well you ready to see your dad?" I ask Annabeth as I'm putting Zoë in her car seat and Annabeth does the same with the twins.

      "I guess, this is the first time we're leaving to go into the city with three kids so that should be eventful." She says and picks up Zoë's car seat and I pick up the twins.
  We put them in the car and start driving to the restaurant.


Annabeth grabs the diaper bag and I put the twins in their stroller and Annabeth picks up Zoë.
  "Well it's now or never hopefully he doesn't get to mad that we didn't tell him about the twins." She says with a frown. I go over and hug her,
   "Everything is going to be fine I promise." I say and kiss her.
We walk into the restaurant and Annabeth's dad waves her over. He gets up and hugs her,
   "Annabeth it's been so long, how are you?" He asks.
"Good Zoë is getting so big but there is something I haven't told you." She says nervously.
  "What is it?" He asks.
"We had another baby." She tells him and he looks shocked.
"Wow, I was not expecting that, can I see them?" He asks.

         Annabeth nods and comes over to me, she picks up the twins, "And it wasn't one we had twins." She says and her dad smiles.
  "This is Hunter and Morgan." She tells him with a guilty look on her face.

   "Where are Helen and the twins?" Annabeth asks her dad and sits down at the table.
"At a store across the street they should be back soon, how are you Percy?" Her dad asks me.

  "Doing good." I say and take a sip of my water. He nods, "Annabeth!" I'm assuming her brothers yell. I take Zoë from Annabeth and her brothers rush over and give her a hug.
  "Hi guys." She says and takes a fussing Hunter from the stroller.

  "I thought dad said you had a girl?" Mathew asked Annabeth,
  "I do, Zoë is over with Percy. This is Hunter and Morgan is with dad." She says and Mathew nods.
   Helen walks over and takes a seat next to Fredrick,
    "Hello, Annabeth I thought you had one kid, you know, since you're so young. Really you should have no children right now." She says with a sarcastic tone.

     "I had twins two months ago and Zoë is a year old." Annabeth says and bounces Hunter up and down.
  Helen nods and orders a salad, obviously displeased.
   We talk for about a hour and Fredrick changes the subject,
    "We'll be here for the rest of the month, is there something fun for the kids to do around here?" He asks.

  "Well there's a skate park and the beach but we don't really leave the city nowadays so I don't know." I tell him and he nods.
     Zoë starts fussing and I give her a pice of kiwi from the fruit bowl that Annabeth ordered for her. She takes it happy and starts eating. Annabeth laughs and so do I.
   Hunter starts crying, "We better get home it's the twins nap time and I'm surprised that Zoë held out this long." Annabeth says and puts Hunter in the stroller and does the same with Morgan.

"Bye Annabeth bye Percy!" The twins say and hug Annabeth.
"Bye guys." She says. She hugs her dad, she gives Helen a small smile and we get back in the car.

"That wasn't to bad." I say and start driving home. Hunter is screaming and Morgan is crying. Zoë is surprisingly holding it together but I can tell the noise is bothering her.
"Yeah it wasn't but we seriously need to get these kids to sleep." She says. I nod and pull into the driveway.
We take the kids out of the car and bring them inside.
I put bring Zoë up to her room and put her in something more comfortable. Then I put her in her crib, "Have a nice nap baby girl." I say and kiss her forehead.

I go downstairs and Annabeth is feeding Hunter,
"How did we get so lucky with kids? Yeah their a handful at night but their so sweet." I say and sit down next to her.
"I agree, their so sweet.."


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