Jiper Wedding

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  A/N: ok big time skip but I can't just go from day to day to day ENJOY


Percy and I got up at about 6:30 to get ready for the wedding.
   Zoë turned 6 months old a few days ago and is trying her best to crawl which means we have to baby proof the house. She has two teeth which wasn't fun for her at all.
   I go into the kitchen and make a smoothie for breakfast. I also make one for Percy his favorite is blueberry surprise surprise but I settled for a strawberry banana.
   Zoë has started to eat softer food so she gets to have a little bit of my smoothie when I have some. I give Percy his breakfast and go into Zoë's room to get her ready for today.
  She's very giggly this morning which it better then crying. I change her diaper and put her into a cream colored dress with butterflies all over it.
  Her hair is getting longer so I have to brush it now and it's still a beautiful jet black color. I brush it into a little sprout on top of her head and clip it with an orange bow.
I bring her into the living room and she reaches her arms for Percy. Percy and her are inseparable and love each other very much.
   I hand her over to Percy and go into our room to get ready. I grab everything I need for the wedding. After about 20 minutes I hear Zoë start crying. I walk into the living room and Percy is trying to calm Zoë down. "I think she's hungry."
  He tells me and hands Zoë to me.

  I take her and sit on the couch and start to feed her. After ten minutes she decided she was done and fell asleep. I checked the clock and it was already seven thirty.
"Percy it's time to go." I tell him and I gently put Zoë in her car seat.
   I grab everything I need and we get into the car.
    When we get to camp there Zoë is still sleeping which I'm grateful for, Percy helps me carry things up the hill and into the Aphrodite cabin.
   I nock on the door and hear Piper yell, "Come in." We walk in and Piper smiles when she sees me. "Annabeth hello, Hi Percy Jason is in the Zeus cabin." She tells Percy.
He, kisses Zoë's head before he leaves and it gives me a kiss too.

"Piper how is everything?" I ask her and put the car seat on a bed.
   "A little nervous but ok for now." She tells me with a smile. Hazel is getting her hair done by Thalia and Reyna is sitting in a chair painting her nails a dark shade of purple.
   "Hi guys how is everything." I ask. Thalia comes up to me and hugs me.
"I'm good, where is Zoë?" Thalia asks me. And as if on cue Zoë starts babbling, so long for the nap.

    I go over to the car seat and get her out. Thalia takes her from me and smiles. She's only seen Zoë a few times but she absolutely loves her.
    I sit Piper down and start on her hair.
   I make a braid and put flowers in her hair, It looks good and she loves it.
   It take a while for everyone to get their hair and makeup done, once we're finished; I help Piper into her dress and Thalia helps Hazel into her bridesmaids dress.
  I sit down on the bed and start to feed Zoë before I get into my dress.

"Annabeth do you like being a mother?" Piper asks me.
   "I love being a mom I know I'm only 19 but I wouldn't change a thing." I tell her.
   "I really want to have kids but I haven't talked to Jason about it." Piper says and sits down next to me. This time Thalia answers,
"Knowing my brother her could never say no to you but if I were you I would wait a little longer to have kids." Thalia tells her and helps Reyna into her dress.
   Piper nods and we go back to talking about random things.
Suddenly there is a cloud of pink and Aphrodite appears. "Hello girls how is everything?" She asks.

   "It's good we have a few more minutes before it's time though." Piper tells her mom. Aphrodite hugs Piper and Piper reluctantly hugs her back.
  They let go of each other and Aphrodite looks at me. "Aww is that little Zoë?" She asks me.
"Yes" I tell her. She smiles and looks at Zoë. "If you wouldn't mind I could watch her while the wedding is going on and you can have her back during the reception?" Aphrodite asks me with a smile. I think about it. I was going to have Mille the cloud nymph watch her but she has her hands full with Chuck. "Yes that would be nice thank you." I tell her. She helps me get ready while I try to calm Piper down. I wonder how Jason is holding up...

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