Girl, Boy, or both

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    Percy took a leave off of work to help me with Zoë.
She getting bigger and is almost a year old, seeing as It's December already and almost Christmas.

Piper has been calling me a lot lately asking what she should be doing now that she is close to her 3rd trimester.
We're both around five months along with this pregnancy and Piper is enjoying what she can while I want these babies out of me. Even though I'm only five months along, I look like how I did when I was nine months with Zoë. I don't know how I'm going to get any bigger.
We told our friends awhile ago about the twins and they were overjoyed learning that they now had four babies to play with instead of just two.

I go into Zoë's room to wake her up and get her dressed because I have a doctors appointment today.
I open the curtains and go over to her crib. She's awake and smiling so I pick her up and feed her. After she's done I changed her diaper and get her out of her pjs.

I find a onesie with sea animals on it and put some blue pants over it. She was very squirmy today so getting her dressed was a task in itself.
  After I got Zoë dressed I took her into the living room and put her in her playpen and gave her a few toys.
    Percy was making breakfast so I went upstairs and changed into some maturity jeans and a sweater which looked very tight on me at the moment.
    I curled my hair and went downstairs for breakfast.
    Percy put a plate of blue pancakes on the table for himself and a plate of normal ones for me. I go get Zoë from the living room and put her into her high chair with a few bits of pancake and a bowl of baby cereal.
  "What time is the doctors appointment?" Percy asks me.

    "In a hour, this is the appointment where we can find out the gender of the babies if you want to." I tell him.
   "Yeah why not, we found out with Zoë but if you want to be surprised that's ok with me too." He says and takes his plate to the sink. 
    "I would like to know just because there's two of them and if one or both are girl we can use some of Zoë's old things but if their both or just one a boy then we need to buy things. Plus I would like to get names and that stuff ready." I tell him.
   We both agree to learn the genders at the appointment if we're able too.
   Percy picks Zoë up and attempts to wipe the syrup off her hands and mouth but she's putting up a good fight.

    I laugh and realize Percy is getting my syrup on himself then off of Zoë.
  I help clean Zoë off and wrestle her into her car seat before we head to the clinic.

     We sit in the waiting room and Kayla walk out, "Annabeth." She says without looking up from her clipboard.

   We follow her into a blue colored room, Percy takes Zoë out of her seat and places her on his lap. she plays with her stuffed Festus which we can never leave the house without or else she thinks the world is ending.

    I lay down on the bed and lift my shirt up so Kayla can do the ultrasound.
   She puts the cold blue jelly on my stomach and moves the wand around and writes a few things down while looking back and forth between the screen and her clipboard.

     "Ok they babies are looking healthy, if they corporate we find the genders if you want." She says and looks at us.

  Percy nods,
"If you could that would be great." I tell Kayla.

   She smiles and moves the wand around some more. "Congratulations, you're having a healthy baby girl and a healthy baby boy!" She says with a smile.
  Percy smiles with tears in his eyes, he's always wanted a son, not that he isn't happy with Zoë but I can tell he's very happy.
"We get to have a baby boy." He says in aw. I smile with tears in my eyes,

    "Yeah, wow, two girls and a baby boy." I tell him. He smiles, "Baby Morgan and baby Hunter is what we decided right?" He asks me.
"Yes Morgan and Hunter." I say and smile. Zoë laughs and waves her arms around even though she doesn't understand what's happening.
    We all laugh and Kayla finishes the ultrasound saying that our babies are healthy and growing fast.
    We walked out of the doctors office Percy pushing Zoë in the stroller, "Are we going to tell everyone the genders like we did with Zoë or no?" Percy asks. I think about it,
      "I mean we kept Zoë's name a secret but we announced the gender at our wedding so I think we should keep both the names and the genders a secret this time." I tell him.
  He kisses me, "Whatever you want Wise Girl." He says and we keep walking. 

      "Knowing Piper she will want to announce the gender of her baby. I talked to Jason yesterday and he's still freaking out about the idea of him being a father. I understand the feeling Zoë is almost a year old and I still can't believe that she's ours." Percy tells me. I laugh and lay my hand on my stomach,                      
    "Zoë, Hunter and Morgan are lucky to have you as their father because there is no better one out there." I say with a smile and he blushes.
    We make it home and put Zoë on the floor to crawl around. Percy and I sit on the couch,
     "We need new baby things. 2 more cribs because Zoë still needs hers and probably will for a little while longer. We need some clothes for Hunter and more clothes for Morgan-" I say but I'm cut off;

    "Annabeth calm down. We will get everything we need by the time the babies come. We can go shopping tomorrow if you want." He says and rubs my hand with his thumb.
    I smile and look at Zoë, she has one of her toys in her mouth and another in her hand. I laugh and so does Percy.
    This is what I wanted in life, I'm 23 weeks pregnant with twins, I have a daughter and a wonderful husband. I never thought I would have this wonderful life.


   After a few hours Zoë gets fussy so I take her into the kitchen to get her a snack before I put her down for her nap.

    I set her in her high chair and give her some yogurt melts that she loves. She grabs some in both hands and bends her head down to try and pick up more with her mouth.
  I start laughing, "Percy come here!" I yell from the kitchen. He runs in with a panicked look on his face,
  "Is everything ok?" he asks and looks around panicked.
  I nod, still laughing and point to Zoë.
   He starts laughing, "I wonder who she gets this from." I smile and looks at Percy.
   He laughs and Zoë smiles with a yogurt melt in her mouth.


Percy has been giving Zoë baths for awhile but Jason called him over and asked him to help him build the crib.

    So I'm stuck with bath time tonight. I pick Zoë up from her high chair after dinner and take her to the bathroom. I get her out of her clothes and put her in the bathtub. She splashes and plays with her bath toys while I wash her hair.
   After I finish cleaning her up I take her out and put her into her pjs, and I change into some new clothes as my other ones are soaked.
   She smiles and I take her into her room and sit in the rocking chair.
   I think it's funny that at twenty three weeks I'm pretty big but Piper's belly is still small.
   Everyone knows that we're expecting twins and since we're not telling anyone the genders we have to do all the shopping alone.
   But knowing Piper and Jason, they're going to want a gender reveal party.
    We still haven't told my dad about the pregnancy. He's going to flip, he already wasn't happy about me pregnant with Zoë.

     Percy is a amazing dad and if Zoë got pregnant gods forbid at nineteen, he would support her and so would I because I became pregnant at that age.
     After Zoë falls asleep I put her in her crib and go into the living room. My phone starts ringing and I have a missed call from Piper. I pick up,
   "Hey Piper what's up?" I ask.
      "We are going to the doctors office tomorrow so we can see how the baby is doing and to get the gender. We want to do something like you did with Zoë but we want it to be a surprise for us. So we would like you to know and get a cake or something." She says.

     "Of course I'd be happy to, what are you hoping for?" I ask,

   "I don't know a girl would be amazing because Zoë would have a friends but Jason would love a boy. As long as the baby is healthy I'll be happy with either." She says happily.
   "Also Percy is on his why home the finished the crib a few minutes ago." She finished. We talk for a little longer before I hear the door open.

     Percy walks in and sits down next to me,

    "Hey is Zoë asleep." He asks and kisses me. "Yeah but the 2 babies growing inside me are not sleeping." I say and rub my belly as I feel them both kicking. I take Percy's hand and place it where they are kicking. One kicks so hard I can see the outline of their little foot. Percy is in complete awe as he keeps poking where they kick. This goes on for a little while longer until Percy starts talking to the babies,

  "You know, I think your mama hates sleep and having time to herself because we get to take care of the two of you now. I love you regardless but I think your mom is crazy," I laugh and slap him upside the head,
"Did you see that? You're lucky she'll never do that to you. I'll tell you a secret though, I still love her." He tells my belly with a goofy grin.
  I roll my eyes but smile at my seaweed brain.


Really short chapter again I'm really sorry but we've been really busy, 
  The quote of the week is, 

   "If You have a idea that you genuinely think is good idea no matter what it is you can look at it and say, "I did that and I think it's pretty Damn good.""
—Stan Lee

This weeks shout out goes to Blogger2007

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