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It's been four months since Leo and I got engaged so it's now the beginning of November. Everyone has been such a big help and I can't wait to get married.
We couldn't find the perfect spot to hold the wedding until we were walking in the forest one day and stumbled upon this beautiful clearing. There were different types of trees beautiful flowers covering the ground and I immediately fell in love with the spot.
Leo liked it to so we decided to get married there.
The girls wanted me to get ready at Annabeth's house so the kids could play. I got in the camp van (Leo taught me how to drive) and started driving. Hazel and Frank were planing on moving to Camp Jupiter two weeks after the wedding which made all of us sad.
I pull up to Annabeth's house and she opens the door for me. The girls have set up a mini beauty salon in her living room and trying to keep the babies out of the stuff.
"Well, you ready to get married?" Annabeth asks holding Hunter on his hip.
"I guess, I am nervous though." I say and set my bag down.
"I was nervous too, and so was Annabeth . Now, let's get you ready for your big day!" Piper says and I sit down in a chair.
"Now, let's get your hair done, then makeup, then the dress." Annabeth says and sets the kids the the playpen.
After a few minutes of silence while the girls work on my hair Piper asks, "Do you eventually want kids?"
"I do, I don't know about Leo."
"Honey, Leo adores our kids and they aren't even his. He would love his kids to death especially if he could have them with you." Annabeth says with a smile.
"You think?"
"I know so." Piper tells me.
"Do you guys want anymore kids?" I ask them.
"Well, Percy and I want one more but definitely in a few more years maybe when Zoë is 5 or 6."
"Jason talked to me about having another kid and I do want one but I don't think I could go through labor again. But I want another one so I guess I'll put up with it. And Annabeth, four kids! Seriously?" Piper asks.
"Yes seriously, I'm going to miss them when their older. I definitely want another one, I'm just praying we don't have another set of twins."
We all laugh and continue getting ready.

Zoë comes down the stairs and walks over to Annabeth, "Mama I'm hungry." She says and Annabeth sets down the curling iron and picks Zoë up.
"I'll be right back guys." She says and goes into the kitchen.
Hazel continues to work on my hair and Piper starts on my makeup.
"I don't want a full face of makeup just something simple." I tell Piper and she nods.
"Hazel do you need the flowers for her hair?" Annabeth asks from the kitchen.
"Ummm yeah."
Annabeth walks in with flowers and sets them down next to Hazel.

We finally got my hair and makeup done and my dress is beautiful. I help the girls get in their dresses while Annabeth gets the kids ready.
   "Ok, let get the finishing touches on your hair." Piper says and starts putting the small white flowers in my hair. Annabeth comes downstairs and Zoë is in her beautiful flower girl dress. Morgan and Hunter started walking a month ago and are getting better everyday.
  Morgan toddles over to me and I pick her up.
"Hi" she says and waves her hand. I smile and wave back.
  "Ok Annabeth we need to get you in your dress so we can get going." Piper says and takes Hunter and Jasper from her.
Piper and Hazel help Annabeth into her dress and we get into the camp van.
We pull up to camp and start off towards the Aphrodite cabin.
"Ok the wedding is in 20 minutes so we can hang out while I get Annabeth ready." Piper says and starts working on Annabeths hair and makeup.
After 15 minutes we're all ready to go so we start walking to the ceremony.

I'm freaking out!!
"Leo calm down everything is going to be fine!" Jason says and sits down on a chair.
"You're telling me to calm down, before your wedding you were freaking out!" I tell him and Percy laughs.
"Oh shut up water boy you were freaking out as well." Jason says with a smirk.
"Yes yes I did and I've been happy married ever since." Percy says and stands up.
  "We'll time to go." Jason says and we walk out of bunker 9.

   I'm standing at the alter with all of my friends in the seats before me. I hear music start playing and Zoë holding Morgan's hand walk down the isle throwing flower petals here and there.
  Piper walks down next with Jason, then Hazel with Frank and Annabeth with Percy.
   After that I see Calypso, and oh my gods she's breathtaking.
She stands in front of me, smiles and Chiron begins speaking.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here on this joyous occasion to join Leo Valzes and Calypso in marriage.
Any objections speak now or forever hold your peace."
No one speaks and he continues.
"I was told you wrote your own vows, Leo do you want to go first?"

"Yeah, Calypso when I landed on your island the first time you yelled at me and at the gods for sending me. But eventually you fell in love with me and I fell in love with you. You are my everything and I would be happy to be called your husband and to have you be called my wife."
Calypso has tears in her eyes.
"Leo, when you landed on my island I thought it was a joke from the gods. But after you offered to fix my table I fell in love. But I knew you had to leave and I thought I would never see you again. But when you landed on my island again I was over joyed. And I would be more than happy to call you my husband and to be called your wife." she says and I start crying.

"Calypso do you take Leo Valdez to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do!"
"And Leo do you take Calypso to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." I tell him.
"Then I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Chiron says and calypso kisses me.
It was short but sweet and I loved it.


That night was full of love and happiness. Everyone was happy hanging out and being a family.
  Annabeth and Percy danced to their wedding song, so did Piper and Jason.
  Zoë played with her siblings and Jasper.
Hazel and Frank enjoyed hanging out with their friends before they went back to Camp Jupiter.
Everyone was happy...

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