4 months old

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Zoë is 4 months old now and is sleeping through the night more and more, she still fussed when she wakes up and doesn't see us there but it's gotten better.
  It's early in the morning but last night was the first time I got a full eight hours of sleep. 
Percy and Zoë are still sleeping and now that Zoë understands that if she cries in the middle of the night. Percy will bring her into our bed.
  So that's where she is right now, Percy loves her to death and will spend all day with her if he could. We're taking a trip to visit to camp today. I make myself some oatmeal and sit down at the table and grab my book.

   I hear Zoë starting to cry so I run into our room and pick Zoë up off the mattress.
   Percy is still asleep so I take Zoë into her room and change her diaper.
  She's still fussy and I assume it's because I took her away from Percy.

   I sit down in the rocking chair and start feeding her. She calms down slightly and starts eating.
  I found out awhile ago that she loves being read too. I grab a book from the bin next to the chair and start reading,
One fish 2 fish red fish blue fish.
  Percy picked out this book and it's obviously written in Greek. Zoë falls asleep again so I put her in her crib. Percy walks in and his hair is a mess. I laugh a little but he doesn't notice.

"Thanks for letting me sleep what time do we have to leave?" He asks me and comes and hugs me. "Your welcome and if we want to get there about noon we have to leave thirty minutes before, but eleven fifteen is Zoë's nap time so she might sleep in the car but will most likely sleep at camp so we might want to bring the collapsible bassinet-"

  "Hey, calm down she will sleep I promise." He says and kisses me.
I take a deep breath and we walk back into the living room. He makes himself some breakfast of cereal While I do some light cleaning.



  After about a hour Zoë woke up and was pretty grumpy. Annabeth was stressed and so was I, Zoë got enough sleep but would not stop crying.
  We were getting ready to go Annabeth put on her camp t-shirt  and changed into some shorts.
  Today was really nice since it's the start of  May and the start of summer.

   It was a struggle to get Zoë into her clothes for today, I put the diaper bag by the door and got Zoë into her car seat, which was also a struggle.
  For some reason she was not having it today.
   Annabeth and I got Zoë in the car and Annabeth sat in the back to try and calm her down. It takes about fifteen minutes to get to camp and for about ten of those minutes all I could hear was Zoë crying.
   Eventually Annabeth told me to pull over, I did what I was told and she asked if I would sit in the back with Zoë so I could try and calm her down.
  I agreed and once we were back on the road I was sat next to my little girl.

  I looked into her tear filled eyes and for a moment she stopped screaming and started sobbing.
I grabbed her little hand and she made a fist around my finger,
  "Hey Zoë, do you remember that chat we had a little while ago? Huh, When you promised me that you wouldn't stress out your mama and how we were going to get through this together? I stuck to my promise about doing my best so you need to hold up your end of the bargain, deal?"
  She stops crying and looks up at me, I wipe the tears from under her eyes and hand her the stuffed dragon Leo and Calypso made her when she was born.

   Once Zoë stoped crying she was in a much better mood when we got to camp. Even though she's never been here I can tell she's going to be very happy here.
   We got out of the car and Annabeth grabbed the dipper bag I grabbed Zoë. We walked up half-blood hill and into the camp. We saw kids hanging out with their friends, training, and swimming in the lake. We walked to the Poseidon cabin so we could drop off the dipper bag and after we made our way to the big house. We knocked on the door and we heard Chiron invite us in.

   We opened the door to see Chiron reading a book.
     "Hey Chiron." Annabeth says. He looks up and smiles.
   "Hello children is this the little Jackson?" He asks with a smile.
   "Yes, this is Zoë." I say and Chiron grins.
  I hand Zoë to Chiron and she giggles.
  "Hello baby Zoë, hopefully one day you'll get to come here and learn like your dad and mom." He says and looks at Zoë.
  Annabeth looks at me and smiles.
  We talk with Chiron for a little bit and then we leave to find our friends. We walk out of the big house and go to the Poseidon cabin to grab a blanket to hang out in the strawberry field. We get to the strawberry field and lay the blanket down. I put Zoë on the blanket on her stomach and she attempts to lift her head up.

Annabeth grabs a strawberry and mushes it up a little bit. I give her a confused look and she smiles. She puts a little bit on her finger and holds it in front of Zoë's head. Zoë opens her mouth and Annabeth lets Zoë eat the small bit of strawberry. Zoë swallows and opens her mouth for more. Annabeth laughs and gives Zoë a little more.
"I read that babies can have baby food at about 3-4 months so I thought she would like strawberries since I craved them all the time when I was pregnant." She says.
  I smile, "well you were right she loves them."

  We hang out in the field for a little while. Zoë loved watching the birds and the rabbits that hopped through here. She ended up falling asleep and I smiled at my daughter.

   Annabeth laid her head on my lap and fell asleep while I played with her hair. After about a hour I woke Annabeth up and we grabbed Zoë and went back to the cabin.

   Annabeth passed out on the bed but Zoë was wide awake after her nap. I dressed her in warmer clothes and we went down to the beach.

   I look at the sky and I see the constellation of Zoë Nightshade, "Hi Zoë it's been awhile, you were a heroine so very brave so we named our daughter after you. Also Bob says hello." I tell the stars.
  Zoë grins while watching the waves and falls asleep looking at the stars.
   We stay out there for a hour or so when I hear someone walk up behind me. I turn around to see Piper. "Oh hey I didn't know you were visiting." She says and sits next to me.
  "Yeah we wanted to surprise you guys tomorrow are you ok it's eleven thirty at night?" I ask her.
  She nods "I couldn't sleep the wedding is freaking me out I want to marry Jason but we're so young how did you know the time was right?"

"Well I've known Annabeth forever and when your a Demi-god any day could be your last and when she told me she was pregnant I knew I couldn't leave her and the baby." I respond.
    She takes a deep breath and nods, "I want a baby eventually but I don't know if Jason feels the same way, do you think you'll have more?" She asks.

    "Yeah I want more and I think Annabeth does too but not yet and I suggest you talk to Jason about it." I tell her. She thanks me and says she's going's to bed and will see us tomorrow.
   I walk back to the cabin with Zoë in my arms. I change her into her pjs and lay her in bed next to Annabeth. Annabeth wakes up enough to know Zoë is next to her and we all fall asleep one happy family.

OMG thank you guys for 300 reads it means so much to me. ☺️ happy Valentine's Day and have a great day or night wherever you are.

This weeks quote is,
Never let your fear decide your fate.

This weeks shout out goes to bookworm0530

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