Chapter 71: Graduation

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-Rachel pov-
Everything has finally come full circle. To think months ago I was being slushied in these halls. It's crazy to think I'm engaged now. Even crazier to think who I'm engaged to!

But honestly, I wouldn't change a thing. Life has been a rollercoaster for sure. But now it's graduation time for us. We get to walk across the stage and grab our diplomas.

We have a down payment on a house in New York already. I can't wait to get there! The movers have been working hard this past week. I'm glad Maribel and Judy are taking today off.

I smile as I walk past the choir room. It'll be odd not coming here every school day. It was a very important room to me. It was a very important room to all of us.

I walk more and stop at the auditorium. So many memories were made here too. Some were bad and some were good. All in all this is where this all started.

I walk back and slowly toward the bathroom. The bathroom I used to go to all the time. It was my go to for when I got slushied or needed to cry. It was a safe place for me.

I smile and walk away from the old second home. I walk down the halls and stop. I turn and look at my old locker. I can't believe it's really time to leave this all behind.

I shake my head with a small smile. This is crazy talk probably. But I needed this little trip down memory lane. I walk again but stop again.

I look and see the hall I first met Santana. It was the mean Santana that slushied me. I remember the moment very well. I was very cold afterwards.

I sigh and walk down the hall again. I stop at a small bench. It's built into the wall where it goes back. It's where I sat with Lucy that one day. It was after I told Finn and Noah.

"I told you she'd be here" I turn and smile "I'm her favorite!"

"We saw her go to the slushy spot!" I laugh and both girls slowly join in "You ready Rachel?"

"Absolutely" I walk over to them "I love you Santana and I love you Lucy"

"Snixx can't get some love?" She pouts "I haven't met the babies yet"

"You've been scared" I cup her face "You'll be fine and they'll love you"

"I can meet them after?" I nod and she smiles "I'm gonna be a good mom ok?"

"The best" She smiles brighter "I love you"

I hear a camera snap "Oh I just couldn't pass this up!" I turn and see the moms smiling "Come on! It's graduation time!"

I chuckle and grab my fiancés hands. It's time to go forth into the future!

-Time skip-Lucy pov-
It's weird being valedictorian. I tried giving my speech away but no one would take it. I think the girls convinced everyone to stay away. I can't stay mad though.

"And without further ado!" Sue turns toward me with a smile "Our valedictorian! LUCY CARMICHAEL!"

I stand up with the applause of the crowd. I wave at everyone and look around. The moms are wiping tears behind me. On the right side bleachers are the rest of the family.

Our baby girls are smiling and babbling. They've been just like their mumsy Rachel. I hope they are smart as their momma which is me. Santana wanted to be Mami and teach culture to them.

"I won't lie and say I know all of you out there" I look at my prewritten cards and lay them down. I look out to the seniors "I never was a good kid for a long time...but this year I did get to meet a lot of you! Like Benny from Chess club! Oh and Suzy from the knitting club! I still want that sweater ok? There's a Kevin in the yearbook committee and a Nick on the swim team! I've gotten to meet some nice people over this year because I had a change..I finally met my change in Rachel Corcoran! She helped me and Santana become better people...she helped us become the people we are today along with our family. You may be confused why I'm saying all of be honest so was I! But I know why now...sometimes in life you'll meet someone or something will change your'll change it for the better and you should go with that betterment! Because...because sometimes you need that little push to finally be the real when you leave this graduation ceremony I want you to do one thing! Go out there and find you special purpose! Make your life worth living because you're special..everyone is special and you are worth living for!"

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