Chapter 27

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-Santana pov-
"Something needs done" I'm sitting at the dinning table with Maribel, Shelby, and Judy "Rachel and Lucy haven't talked to each other since Tuesday!"

"What are we gonna do?" I shrug with a sigh as the moms frown "I've got nothing"

"I do!" We look at my mom hopefully "Follow along and we can get them together again"

"What can I do?" Mom smiles and I feel fear start to sprout inside of me "What?"

-Time skip-Rachel pov-
I'm finally wake up when my phone goes off. I sit up and pick up my phone. I don't have time to answer it when the door bursts open. I look up at a out of breath Lucy.

"Santana ran away!" I feel my heart drop "The moms, Fran, and Emma have gone out looking for her"

"Let me get up and get my keys" I see confusion spread across Lucy's face "What?"

"You seriously don't talk to me for days and then our girlfriend runs away!" Lucy runs a hand through her hair and takes a deep breath "Just get some shoes on and come to my car"

"Fine" I pull my shoes out from under my bed and stand up "Let's go"

I follow her out to her car and hop in. We drive in silence around town. Santana isn't popping up anywhere. We drive past all of her go to spots and everything. I sigh and sit up in my seat.

"Hey Lucy" I look at her and she nods me on "Why don't we ever drive this car?"

"Cause it has a" her face drops as we slowly start stopping "Shit"

She gets us to the side of the road "Gas problem?" She sighs "Let's get out and call the moms"

"It was the only car" I look at her confused and she looks at me unamused "It was the only car in the garage"

"You think we got setup?" She nods and I shake my head "They wouldn't"

"We haven't talked since Tuesday" Lucy sighs and puts the car in park "I can't blame them for trying"

"You kissed my mom!" I feel my pent up anger start to bubble up "You kissed the woman that gave birth to me and think I should just forgive you!"

"I THINK YOU SHOULD FUCKING LEAVE ME!" Silence falls in the car and Lucy sighs "I cheated and you two don't deserve that...I messed up and I wanted you two to leave me because of it"

"We love you too much Lucy" I sigh and grab her hand "I love you too much"

"I love you Rach" Lucy wipes some tears away and smiles "Wanna call and say we are back?"

"I think we should give them a taste of their own medicine" I pull out my phone and push a contact "Hey...yeah I gotta a bad car...perfect"

-Time skip-Santana pov-
"Any news?" The moms start shaking their heads no but then just pales "What?"

"Lucy's car was crashed" We all look at her terrified "We are needed at Lima Major now"

We all quickly get up and run to the car. I send a message to Fran as we head out. She is watching Beth with Emma today. Something about couple testing. We quickly drive to the hospital and run toward the doors.

We all slow down as we see Lucy and Rachel smirking. They set us up. They turned it on us. I don't know whether to be impressed or nervous.

"Hello loving family" Rachel looks straight at me "I see you found Santana!"

"So" Mom nervously chuckles "You found out"

"You left us with Lucy's broken down car" Rachel glares at us "Who was it?"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now