Chapter 62

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-Shelby pov-
You know what sucks? Having your daughter and granddaughter in the same house as you, but not being able to talk to either of them. Rachel has hidden herself and Amelia away the past few days. She's been really upset since the wheel.

I know it wasn't fair to not talk with her. We just wanted to do what we thought was best for her. I guess what we thought and what is are to different things. At least to her they are.

She hasn't even talked to her girlfriends. We all are lost at what to do. We aren't going to put her in a strenuous dancing or singing performance. She may not even be at the competition at all.

I sigh remembering her waking away broken. I just want to do the right thing for her. Which is why I'm on my to someone to ask for advice. I stop the car and get out before waking to their door.

I knock and head shuffling in the other side. Is that two feet moving? I head a thud and I push open the door. I run in and see mom with Alma on the ground. Huh...not what I expected.

"Uhh it's not what it looks like!" I raise a eyebrow and mom sighs "Alma why don't you stay here while I talk to my daughter?"

Alma just nods and we go to the kitchen "So" I look to the living room then my mom "When did that happen?"

"Nothing happened..yet" I smirk and she rolls her eyes "What are you doing here? Not that I hate you visiting! I just wasn't expecting it"

"We removed Rachel from any songs at nationals" I sigh and continue "She won't let us talk or pretty much see her or Amelia"

"Good for her!" I look at my mom incredulously "What? You expect me to say something positive? Shelby what would you do if you wanted to be a big star on Broadway? You'd want to perform! This girl has had so much taken already..this may have been all she had left"

"I also told her about NYADA" mom smacks my arm hard "OW! What was that for?"

"You're breaking my granddaughter!" Mom glares at me then sighs "I'll go and see what I can do"

"Thank you" She nods and walks out of the room "You can bring Alma too!"

I'm met with a shoe hitting me.

-Time skip-Alice pov-
I walk up the stairs to Rachel's bedroom. I smile at the golden star on the door. It has her name along with her girlfriends names. I knock on the door and wait for a response.

"Hang on" I hear footsteps get closer to the door and then it opens "I thought that was a new knock"

"Glad to see I'm not one of the ones you're mad at" I look and see Amelia on the bed "Can I come in?"

"Sure" Rachel moves and I walk in "I assume you've been told?"

"And you'd assume right" she sighs and walks to her bed "But you'd assume wrong thinking I'm on their side"

Rachel turns and looks shocked "Really?" I nod and she smiles "You're my favorite grandma!"

"Let's save that till after" Her smiles drops "We need to talk about this whole not talking thing"

"What's to talk about?" Rachel sits down and grabs Amelia "I'm doing perfectly fine and so is Amelia"

"But your girlfriends have bags under their eyes and your mom isn't doing so hot" Rachel looks away and at the girl in her arms "I'm not saying what they did was right but you can at least talk to them"

"They didn't talk to me" I see her lip quiver "They didn't do anything to even try and make me understand! They just...they blindsided me and now I have nothing but Amelia and the twins for my future"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now