Chapter 15

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-Santana pov-
It's the first day with no Quinn here. I won't lie that I feel fine today. I have been secretly hovering around Rachel as much as possible. Cherry told me the Cheerios are backing off and Dave told me that the football team is too. It helps a little to know they have our backs.

I shake my thoughts away and look around. I've lost Rachel! I start speed walking and looking around. I can't find her! What if someone got her? What if they hurt her and the baby?!

"You know I don't need a babysitter right?" I jump at Rachel's voice behind me. I turn and see a beautiful and annoyed Rachel looking at me "I will be fine Sanny"

"I just wanna make sure" I see Rick down the hallway and pull her close "Theres heathens around this school"

"Noah already threatened Rick and the hockey team" Rachel pulls back and gives me a stern look "You need to relax! Because you are really starting to overwhelm me"

"I just want you and the baby to be ok" I put a hand on her stomach "I need little Juniper to be healthy"

"Juniper?" I nod and she raised a eyebrow with a smirk "Like the name for the fertility goddess?"

"W-we-well I mean" She chuckles and I playfully smack her shoulder "You are so mean!"

"I'm just spitting the truth homie" I shake my head as we both laugh "I gotta get to class babe"

"I'll see you after" Rachel nods and walks away "Come out of your hiding spot"

"Figures I couldn't hide from you" I look over at a very giddy looking Tina "I told you she'd like it!"

"Juniper Lopez" I nod and look at Tina "It's a good name"

"So you think the girls will take your name?" I look at Tina confused and nod "You think Quinn and Rachel are going to just let you marry them then have your last name?"

"Yes" I look at the clock near us "Let's get to Spanish"

Tina nods and we start walking "I heard we have a new teacher"  I send her another confused look "I thought you heard Shue got fired?"

"I did" I look ahead of us "I didn't figure we'd get a new teacher that quick"

"Oh yeah" We stop outside the class "Mike said she's ruthless or fun depending on the class"

"Let me guess" Tina tilts her head with a smile "He got fun?"

"His class has it very laidback" we look through the door window. We have Rick in our class "We are fucked"

"Watch the mouth" That voice...I thought it was a joke "Hello Santana"

"No" I turn and see a smiling Judy "No! You can't be the teacher! I won't allow it!"

"I've heard you spanish" Her smile grows as Tina chuckles "I think you'll pass this class fine! Now your friend here needs to learn what English is allowed in school and what isn't"

"Sorry Ms. Fabray!" Judy nods and opens the door "I'll god sit"

Tina quickly runs into the room "You broke Tina!" I look at Judy who rolls her eyes "That's ride for a teacher to do"

"It's rude to talk back to your mother/teacher" She smirks and raises a eyebrow "You turn"

"You win" I go to turn but then look back at Judy confused "So who's watching Quinn?"

I feel fear for Quinn when Judy smiles wide.

-Quinn pov-
"So Lucy Q?" Fran hops onto the couch beside me knocking over my homework "Hows life?"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now