Chapter 16

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(Before you read authors note. To keep up with show timeline this takes place in November and the part when I said August is in October.)

Quinn pov-
I've got 3 more days on my suspension. It's been nice getting to know Fran more but I need out! It sucks being at home nonstop! I just want to be walking with my pregnant girlfriend and my anger filled girlfriend down the halls. I can tell something is wrong with Santana but she won't tell anyone.

I sigh and get up off my bed. I look outside and see a tree slowly swaying. I smile and exit my room for breakfast. When I get downstairs I see Fran on the phone. I sneak up to hear what she's saying.

"Yes I I'm it really that bad of news?" She goes silent "If you really think I should I will...alright wanna say bye too Luce?"

"No" I pop out from my hiding spot and look at her "Are you ok?"

"Just my therapist" She sighs and walks to the fridge "She has to move offices again but thinks I shouldn't leave the office she was at"

"Are you going to?" Fran nods as she pulls out some eggs "Can you get the bacon too?"

"Already have some" I look at the counter and see the package "I pulled them out when I got the call"

"Are you gonna be ok?" Fran nods and puts a pan on the oven "I'm here if you need to talk"

"I appreciate that Luce" Fran cracks the eggs and pulls out another pan for bacon "Now how about you tell me how Lucy's coming back?"

I look straight at my sister who's smiling. I shake my head and smile. Lucy is working her way back. I just hope Santana and Rachel will love her like Quinn.

Being a bitch is just to hard to do when you're in love.

-Santana pov-
"IM GONNA KILL HIM!" I'm being held back by Puck and Dave while Rachel stands behind me "Let Jacob back over here and I'll show him a good time!"

"Santana" I turn and see Judy walking over "Let me handle this"

"She's being unreasonable Ms. Fabray!" Jacob Ben Asshat is pointing at me "She is threatening to kill me!"

"And why is she threatening your life?" Jacob looks away "I'm waiting"

"I said I could take care of Rachel's baby better" He looks up "It needs a father!"

"You realize what my last name is?" Jacob looks confused for a second before going wide eyed "So you should know I have that letter you wrote for would be terrible if that ended up in Figgins hands or a cops hands wouldn't it?"

"Y-yes mam" Jacob is shaking in fear right now and I have to hold back a laugh "I'd advise you to stop stalking my daughter-in-laws and my grand baby before that note finds its way to one or both of them!"

Jacob takes off down the hall and Judy smiles. She turns toward us and gives a small nod. She walks toward us and pulls Rachel into a hug. After the hug she leave for her class.

"That Woman is crazy" Puck looks at me "You think she'd let me in on a threesome with Shelby?"

"What did you just ask about my mom?!" Puck cringes at Rachel yelling "Go to class!"

"Yes Berry!" Puck looks at me "We saw nothing"

I chuckle as he quickly leaves "God I love you honey" I stop chuckling when I see her glare "He..he..uhh hey babe! Y-you look beautiful!"

"Class now!" I take off but not before I hear "Damn right I'm beautiful! Dave? Can I have a piggy back ride?"

I bet he gave her one but I don't look. I'm too scared of that little spitfire. I love her and she loves me, hopefully, but she can be crazy and the hormones don't help.

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now