Chapter 17

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-Santana pov-
"So" I look at Quinn who's luckily still in pajamas "Juniper Huh?"

"At least I've given a name" She growls and I just smirk "Point toward the Lopez last name"

"They will be a" Quinn looks over at Judy "What's our last name?"

"Fabray?" Judy looks over at Fran "Right? If not I have been doing someone else's bills"

"I get what Lucy is asking" Fran takes a bite of her toast before speaking again "Why can't we take your maiden name?"

"Uhhh" Judy spots Beth and Shelby walking in "What would you two like for breakfast?"

"I'm not digging you out of trouble Jude" Shelby sits Beth down in her high chair "What happened?"

"We wanna use our moms maiden name" Quinn points to Judy "But she won't tell us what it even is"

"Like you moms name before Fabray?" They nod and Shelby starts laughing "Oh man! Your moms maiden name isn't normal"

"Carmichael is a very normal name!" Judys face goes red from embarrassment as we start laughing too "Hey! You know what? I'm gonna get it changed back and you two are as well!"

"Wait!" Quinn launches out of the chair "I'm sorry for laughing! I don't wanna change names!"

"Lucy Carmichael" Fran sadistically chuckles "Please change it"

"We definitely aren't using Carmichael for the babies last name" Quinn pouts and I smile victoriously "I'm keeping it Berry"

"Cause that's much better" Rachel raises a eyebrow and I shrink backwards "It works for you babe"

"Hey San" I look up at Shelby and she points to my face "You got some brown on your nose"

I send her a glare as everyone laughs. I slowly join into it cause that was good. I finish my breakfast and soon after we are heading to school minus Beth, Quinn, and Fran.

I couldn't help but get confused why Fran kept saying Lucy. I know it's Quinn's real name but still. Quinn has worked hard to bury Caboosey FAR away. I'll have to ask after school. If she wants to go back to being the nerd and junk food enthusiast she was I got no problem with it. I think Rachel would fall in love with Caboosey.

We both would honestly.

-Quinn pov-
"Settle on the Lucy please" Fran looks at me confused "I still haven't talked with my girlfriends yet"

"They won't mind you eating junk food while watching Star Wars" Fran gets up and puts her plate in the sink "I think Rachel would call you adorable the whole time"

"Maybe" there's a knock on the door and I hand Fran Beths breakfast "I'll get it"

I walk to the door and open it some "Hello?" Emma? "Are you gonna come out form behind the door?"

"Yeah" I step out and look at Emma Pillsbury "How can I help you? Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"I was but I had to talk to you first" She pulls out her phone and turns it to me "I appreciate the hitting on me but I don't enjoy being made fun of"

"That wasn't me" I look at the sending name "That's my sister Fran"

"What's your sister Fran?" I look back and see Fran waking over with Beth "Is everything ok?"

"No" I open the door fully and show Emma on the porch "My sisters hitting on my school counselor!"

"Wow" Fran smiles wide and genuine "You look so much more radiant then I imagined"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now