Chapter 9

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-Rachel pov-
Have finally hit the weekend. Life has been a rollercoaster. Currently I'm walking out of the hospital with Finn. Santana is in the car with Quinn thankfully. We had to get Finn tested just in case. There's no real likely good hopefully of him having Tay-Sachs.

Mom told me that I needed to get tests done. I took the rest of the week off to mentally get back. I hadn't thought about the baby growing in me could die. It's just not fair. I stop walking when a hand gets placed on my shoulder.

"Rachel" I pull out of Finns grasp and look at him "I wanna be apart of my child's life...I want them to have their parents together"

"I'm not going to go back out with you Finn" He goes to speak but I put a hand up "I'm raising this baby with Santana and Quinn only"

"WHY ARE YOU CHOOSING THOSE BITCHES?!" I flinch at Finns yelling and stepping toward me "Do you even know who voted for you?! Do you know what Santana called you when you walked out after the diva off?!"

"Just leave me and the baby alone" I walk away and to the car. When I get there the girls step out of the car "What did you say about me after the diva off?"

"What do you mean?" I feel my anger build and the tears coming "Rachel are you ok?"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME?!" The girls share a confused look "Who did you even vote for?"


"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" The girls both look guilty and can't face me "I...I see"

"Rachel you just had a off day" Santana walks up to me "Don't let anything that finn said get to you"

"What did you call me after?" Santana stops walking to me "What did you say?"

"I called you a grade a, egotistical, useless tranny" I feel my heart shatter at the words and I hear Quinn gasp behind me "I was trying to cover for almost slipping on how I went with you saying you did better"

"I need some space" I start walking away in the parking lot "Don't follow me"

I hear them yell but I just take off. I can't be near them right now. I just wanna get my head on straight. I need to get my head on straight.

-Santana pov-
I'm frozen watching Rachel just quickly run away. I turn around just to get my face slapped another direction. I put my hand where I was slapped and I look back at Quinn. I see her looking at me in anger.

"We've said it for years now Qu~"

I get smacked on the other cheek "I have liked you secretly for a long time" I look back at Quinn who has tears streaming down her face "I have liked you and Rachel for so long! You need to figure out what you gotta do to fix this"

"I know where she'll go" Quinn raises a confused and slightly amused eyebrow "I wasn't stalking her! I just..wanted to make sure she was safe"

"That's the Santana I like" Quinn looks me dead in the eyes "Why can't you show everyone that? You can still protect us and be this soft and happy Santana"

"I'll try" I sigh and walk around to the drivers side "For now get in"

Quinn gets in and we drive off. I know where Rachel goes to think and get away. I followed her once to the place. Ironically it was my calming place too.

-Time skip-Rachel pov-
I've been all over in my mind. I know Santana likes me and she had sincerity in her eyes. It still hurts though to think about her and Quinn not voting for me then making fun of me. I look at the tree I sit by to think things out.

"You'd never make fun of me" I walk around it and see faint scratches "What do you say?"

"She looked at me as she sang today" I look behind me at Santana and Quinn "I wrote it a year ago"

"Hello santana" I look back at the tree "I see I need a new hiding place"

"This was mine too" I look back at Santana "Rachel I can apologize for the names like I have but...I won't apologize for the vote"

"Do you two think I can still make it in Broadway?" They send me looks of confusion "I just don't think I'm talented enough...I mean I lost the lead role! Maybe I need a new career"

"CUT THAT BULLSHIT OUT!" Santana and I jump at Quinn's yelling "You are a great singer and actor! We didn't vote for you cause we didn't vote at all! You are going to Broadway and we are going to be beside you, with our baby, while YOU get your Tony!"

I smile and run over to Quinn. She opens her arms and we share a big hug. I hear a small sigh and look over at Santana. She's looking at the ground with pursed lips.

"I think we're missing someone" She looks up at me and I motion her over "It's not a threesome if there isn't three"

Santana smirks and Quinn smacks my arm. Santana quickly comes over and we make a big hug. This feels nice. I'm still upset but it's over somethings that I can't control. The past is the past and they have apologized. I said I accepted and I should really work on it.

-Shelby pov-
"You're a psychopath!" I look at Judy who's just laughing in the kitchen "I asked you to stay clothed for one day!"

"Shelby I own the house" Judy points to herself "I'm in my underwear! So I'm not naked"

"You are incorrigible!" I pick up Beth from the ground and point to Judy "That is the crazy lady!"

"Well the crazy is" so look over and see her getting in a running stance "Gonna get Bethy and Shelby!"

I start taking off running as Judy chases. Beth is laughing in my arms and I join in with her. Judy keeps shouting playfully as we are now in the backyard. I stop and let Judy catch us.

"I GOT YOU!" She grabs Beth and looks at me "Now what shall I do with you? Any ideas Beth?"

She's starts giggling and Judy nods. I raise a eyebrow as Judy steps slowly around me. Soon I'm on the ground laughing as Judy tickles me holding Beth.

"SAY IM AMAZING!" I shake my head as Judy keeps her onslaught up "SAY IT!"

"Y-y-you are HA!HA! Amazing!" Judy lets you and I pout "For a naked crazy lady"

"I believe you like this body" Judy stays over top of me "Or at least you've said you do"

"Why don't we test it out?" Judy leans down as I sit up. It's like I'm in a trance "Those sweet lips"

Before I can pull away we kiss. I don't know how long we missed for though. The thing that breaks us apart is the girls Ewing us. We break away and I smile.

"So slow huh?" I smack Judy playfully on the shoulder and get a chuckle "I wanna take you on a date"

"Time and place" Judy smiles "That was more of a question"

"Oh right!" Judy looks likes she's deep in thought before snapping "Friday night! It'll be a surprise..just be ready by 7"

"We'll have her ready" I look over at Rachel who just smirks "I've seen how you dress"

"Like mother, like daughter" she sticks her tongue out at me and I look at Judy "I think we should teach these girls a lesson"

"I agree" Judy stands up and fixes Beth in her arm "Lets teach these girls a lesson Beth!"

The girls eyes go wide as we run at them. They take off and the laughter begins again. After a while we catch them and a tickle war begins. We win because of experience of knowing their hidden tickle spots. Well I've learned Rachel's.

"Alright clean up to eat!" The girls all run inside and I look at Judy "This May be too fast but...we have a nice little family going here"

"We do" Judy grabs my hand and smiles "Now let's go in and eat like a family"

I smile back at her and we go inside. I know I wanna go slow but younger Shelby came out. She's wanted Judy for a long time....I still have wanted Judy this whole time. She was the one that got away.

She won't get away this time.

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now