Chapter 30: 4 mistakes while gifting

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-Santana pov-
"Soooo" I walk up to Judy and look at her innocently "Are we getting that hot tub?"

"No" I pout and she points to the garage door "We already go the hot tub!"

I cheer and we both head out to the garage. I look and see the family gift. I help Judy sneak it into the house and to our hiding spot. We high five and smile at our work.

"We've done good today" I nod and she puts her arm around me "They'll love this"

I nod and then read the box more "Uhh Judy" I walk to the box and point at the writing "This isn't above ground"

"What?" She walks up and I show her the instructions and everything "Shit"

"What about the other things?!" We quickly look at the three other boxes "SHIT!"

I look the pool box and see it's the same writing. I look at Judy and see the panic on her face too. We were in charge of a good family gift! What went wrong?! I run over to the computer and look up what we ordered.

"Oh no" Judy comes over and I point to the orders "We clicked the original and forgot to change anything else!"

"It's ok!" Judy walks to a filing cabinet and pulls out some papers "It's here somewhere"

She pulls out folder after folder quickly. I look at our orders and read what we got. We got a in ground pool, a in ground hot tub, a kid sized snowball kits, and a miniature garden statue instead of the big one.

I'm pulled away from the screen by a paper. I see Shelbys name on top of it and look at Judy. She drops the papers in her hands and points at the paper.

"Shelby has wanted to ad a deck to the back!" Judy points to the gifts we got "The hot tube and Pool could be built in!"

"That's great!" I smile then quickly frown "How are we going to do that?"

"I know where we could get the wood" Judy looks at me with determination in her eyes "We will build it!"

"But if we start now they'll get suspicious" Judy nods and we both go to thinking. I snap when a idea pops into my head "We could do it the night of Christmas while everyone is in bed!"

"You willing to brave the cold and work late?" I nod and she smiles "Then late night Christmas Eve into Christmas Day it is! I'll work on getting the wood!"

I nod and Judy walks out of the room. I hope everyone else is doing better on any last minute gifts.

-Lucy pov-
I CANT FIND A GIFT FOR RACHEL AND THE BABY! I've been in every shop but can't find anything good! I've tried doing separate shopping but I still can't find anything! No one else was the is hard!

Santana got a nice coffee mug and some knives, Fran got some books and a headset, Beth got some new toys, Shelby got books and some music stuff, Maribel got some recipe books like she asked and some music, and I got mom some coffee mugs plus some shirts since she needs them.

Rachel has been the hardest to buy for! I think I may just be overthinking though. I just want our first Christmas to be memorable. Santana already got her a really sweet gift though. She got her a funny girl vinyl along with a custom Funny girl mug.

Santana also got a giraffe toy and a hippo stuffed animal for the baby. I sigh and exit the store I was in. This mall is another dead end! I'm about to leave when something catches my eyes. I walk and immediately see Rachel and any baby with her genetics in it.

"That's it" I walk into the store and find a worker "I need that window matching set of t-Shirts!"

"Ah the mommy and baby shirts" The worker smiles "I'll got some in the back! What size would you need? I assume it would be for a woman after giving birth so possibly a size bigger for her?"

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