Chapter 4

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-Rachel pov-
"Shelby please" My mom grumbles and motions for Judy to come in "Thank you"

Judy takes slow steps in to the house. She hands Quinn her bag and then looks around. I look at my mom who looks upset. What happened?

"You have a lovely home Shelby" Judy looks at mom and sighs "When can you just accept my apologies?"

"When you feel the pain I've felt for years!" Mom pokes a angry finger at Judys chest "When you face the same humiliation that I did that day!"

"I only told you we couldn't be friends" mom scoffs and shakes her head "What else happened?"

"Of course you wouldn't remember" Mom looks at us "Wanna know what happened? This is the real reason I want her humiliated and to feel my pain!"

-senior prom 16 years ago-Shelby pov-
I'm sitting on a chair alone. I had plans to come here with...her. I was gonna tell her everything. How I fell in love with her. How I wanna be the reason she smiles and the shoulder for her to cry on. Now I'm here alone watching her dance with him.

I sigh and stand up to go get a cup of punch. I spent so much money on this dress to impress her. Now I just feel overexposed. Maybe I should just leave. Yeah I'll just go.

"Look there!" I turn and see Russel and his gang walking toward me with Judy "It's the Queer"

"Look I was just about to leave ok?" I start walking away but get stopped by two guys "Just let me go"

"Well you must have come to the punch bowl for a drink" I turn to Russel as he pours a cup "I hear it taste pretty good! Why don't you try some?"

Next thing I know I'm drenched in punch. Everyone laughs at me. I look at Judy who's cackling a long too. My pretty white dress is stained now and my heart is broken. I hold back the tears as I run away.

-Present-Shelby pov-
"You hurt me that night" Judys face is a mixture of horror and shock "You broke me to pieces! Then everyday till graduation you broke those pieces to smaller pieces"

"I-I-I forgot all about that night" I roll my eyes at that "Shelby I really am sorry! I never knew you felt that way!"

"CAUSE YOU DIDNT WANT TO!" Judy flinches at my yelling "YOU NEVER TRIED TO SEE IF OTHER OPTIONS EXISTED BESIDES THE GOLDEN BOY! You wanted money and look what that got you"

"Abuse" Judy looks at the ground "I think I should go"

"I do too" I step out of the door way "And please lose my number"

"Nope" Rachel walks past us and closes the door then locks it "This isn't ending here"

"Rachel this is my house!" She looks at me and raises a eyebrow "It's your house too but I pay for it!"

"Shelby" I look I've at Quinn "You and my mom have had years to stew on this obviously"

"You two need to talk" I sigh at Rachels words and look towards Judy. She's looking at the ground and kicking her shoe of the ground "For us?"

"Alright" Judy looks up at my with hope filled eyes "We will talk but you all are outside and take Beth with you"

The girls are gone quickly "You can tell them we talked and I could leave" Judys eyes lose their sparkle some "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"

"You honestly could never make me uncomfortable" I sigh and point to the couch "Let's sit"

"Shelby I really am sorry about what all I had done" I look and see Judy is being sincere "You never deserved that....did you mean what you said about the plans?"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now