Chapter 45

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-Shelby pov-

It's been a week from hell. Some how our group number won't add up, Our new house has a mouse problem, Beth is sick, and Holly is flirting with Maribel! It's happening every time she's close by!

I hit my desk in anger and stand up. I need a break. I walk out of the room and growl. Down the hall is Holly flirting with Maribel! THAT'S IT! I'M SHOWING MY CLAWS!

"YOU!" I stomp down the hall angrily at the duo "I'm gonna crush your wind pipe!"

"I-I-W-I'm sorry?" Maribel stops me from stepping closer to the shaking Holly 'Home wrecker' Holiday "What's going on?"

"You flirtin with my girlfriend is what!" I try swinging and pushing past Maribel "Let me go!"

Maribel pushes me back some "You two sent her to me! What did you want me to do?!" I look at her and see her upset "I just wanna make you two happy and what am I supposed to think when you throw a Judy twin toward me? I thought you wanted me to figure out if she was good for us!"

"W-I-Ju" I feel my anger leave and confusion set in "I don't know why we did it"

"If I'm going to be a problem I can leave" Holly pulls her purse up her arm "I just need to know I won't be attacked on the way out"

"No" I shake my head and take a step back "You aren't a problem"

"GET THE HELL OUT!" We all run toward the front doors to see teachers and Judy pushing Shuester toward the doors "How did you even get here?"

"This is my school!" I look and see the expelled students from the New Directions standing behind him angry "Let me in!"

"Will you were fired!" One of the teachers pushes him back some "Just leave!"

"Oh this is fun" We all jump and turn to see Sue "Hello Cheerio ruiners"

"Alright" I look at the situation then her "What will it take for you to diffuse the situation?"

"The Three girls back, You as Co-Head coach, Latin Barbie physical trainer, Blonde barbie as my yeller, Holiday world as a go getter and" Sue looks off in thought and then snaps "Rachel AS my drill instructor! I imagine pregnancy will make her angry and I want to harness those mood swings!"

"I'M GONNA CUT OFF YOUR BALLS!" We all turn to see Rachel being held back by Lucy and Santana "YOU ARE VIOLATING RESTRAINING ORDERS YOU PERV!"

"See" I look at Sue who has a victorious smirk "So what do you say?"

"I say I wanna kill you but sure" Sue sticks her hand out and I shake. I shiver like a part of my soul just died "Now fix this"

"Easy" Sue pulls out a pager and presses a button "Let's play fire with fire"

I turn and look at the commotion. I watch as the teachers quickly disperse away. There confused faces until only certain sprinklers start to go off. They all get dowsed and slip onto the ground. I've never seen rainbow wa....She rigged the sprinklers to shoot slushy.

"I must say" I turn to Sue "You do have a certain style to yourself"

Sue puts a hand over her heart "The first of many compliments" She smiles and starts to walk away "I'd advise you to leave as the cops come"

I share a confused look with Maribel then hear the sirens. I lead my girls and Holly to my office. I get some looks when we get in. I look at my desk and sigh. Theres a huge fist mark in the middle of it. I look up at Holly to see fear flash onto her face.

"I'm not angry anymore" She nods and then hides behind everyone a bit "I mean it"

"I'm sure you do" I watch her disappear behind the girls "I just enjoy my throat where it is"

"What happened with Sue?" I look over at Lucy confused "Sue doesn't just talk to talk"

"All of us including Holly are going to be apart of the Cheerios" I see the looks of shock and one angry one "Judy it's what go those idiots arrested for breaking the order!"

"What are we doing?" Judy looks like she's still mad but listening "Cause I may just find a lawyer to get rid of her too"

"I will help coach, You will do yelling which I don't know what that is, Maribel is physical trainer which she isn't qualified for and Holly is pretty much a intern" I look more at the girls "The trio will join back as cheerleaders and Rachel is drill instructor"

"So the pregnant one is doing drill instructor?" I nod and Judy shakes her head "How did she come up with that one?"

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" Rachel scares off some kids and turn to us with a frown "Am I showing more?"

"I understand now" Judy sighs and looks at me "I guess we can live with this"

I nod and look at the girls "Ok we need moms only please" The girls leave and Holly tries to shuffle out "You stay"

"Please!" She turns with her hands up "I didn't do anything!"

"I know" She looks at me confused "Judy and I did"

"What?" I give Judy a glare when she plays stupid "OH! Yeah that's on us"

"We wanted to test Maribel" Maribel looks at me hurt "It was cause we know how we look and things"

"We've been friends for years" Maribel shakes her head "I can't believe this"

"It was for the reason you thought too" Maribel looks at Holly "What do you think?"

"I think she'd be a nice addition" Maribel looks at me "It's up to you two and her though"

"So you trust her?" Maribel nods and I look at Judy "I trus~"

"Stop!" We look at Holly confused "I got sent here by Will to spy on you all"

"Remember how I said I won't kill you?" She nods and I charge "I'm gonna kill you!"

"STOP!" Judy stand in front of me "Hear her out"

"I needed money" Holly frowns and looks at the ground "When all of this happened he contacted me...I agreed for money"

"Are you why he was here today?" She nods but doesn't look up "Why?"

"I told him I wasn't going to keep helping him" She looks up at me and I can see she's sincere "I really started to grow attached even in this short period of time"

"Prove you are on our side" Holly looks at me confused "Announce to the club what you have done"

"Ok" Holly nods and looks sincere in her answer "I'll do it"

-Time skip-
"Alright!" I get everyone attention and turn to Holly "Someone has something to say"

"Thank you" Holly walks to the front more "I have been very truthful...I've been working with Will for money"


Everyone starts yelling and Holly cringes "Hey!" I step forwards "We are moving past this!"

"How?" I look at Rachel "How can we move past such betrayal?"

"Because I stopped" Holly sighs "It's why he was here today"

"It's going to be hard to trust her again we know" Judy walks up and puts a hand on her shoulder "But we believe she is with us"

"Fine" Rachel crosses her arms "Let's just practice the group and stuff"

"Good idea" the group singers walk up "I forgot to mention something because of that! We are doing a valentines thing! We will drawl numbers and I'll explain it more tomorrow during the meeting!"

Everyone nods and we get to work. I turn to Holly and nod. She smiles and sits over in a free chair. I really hope she truly is on our side. If she isn't then I'm gonna rip her eyes out and shove them down her throat.

-Time skip-Holly pov-
I walk to my car and sigh. I've had to wait for everyone to leave to get here. I lay my seat back and pull out my blanket. Going against will means no more McDonalds money.

Guess I'll have to dream about eating again. It worked last night. Maybe I can have the same luck. I sigh and hit the lock button. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

I think I hear something but ignore it. Probably just the tires again. Now for some shut eye.

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now