Chapter 53

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-Snixx pov-
I hate being here without Rachel. She's at a doctors appointment for the baby. Shelby wanted to go and Rachel let her. We are the moms Damnit! We belong there!

I sigh and stand beside Lucy's locker. She's been in her head all day. We wanna be here for the celebration but we aren't. I look at Lucy as she moves through her locker.

She's the only girl that can control me. Snixx is uncontrollable but yet she does control me. Some say it's a 'dominant' thing but I don't. I can be more dominant then her.

"Snixx?" I shake my head of my thoughts "Hows Santana?"

"She's still there" Lucy shuts her locker and we walk to the club room "She just is afraid to come out"

"Well I want her to come out when Rachel gets here" I stop and Lucy turns toward me "What?"

"Santana will take her time" Lucy raises a eyebrow "What?"

She smirks "Nothing" she slowly walks toward me "Just thinking about how cute you look trying to stand up to me"

"You dad was below your mom" Her smirk falls as I smirk. I walk up and get close to her "Snixx doesn't play the bitch"

I walk past her leaving her wide eyed. I keep my smirk all the way to the room. I hear her footsteps sprinting to catch up. The way it sounds we are gonna have a argument right here.

"I DO NOT PLAY THE BITCH EITHER" I roll my eyes and turn toward her "I am the one with the pants in this relationship! Carmichael women are strong and domineering! I won't fall to you!"

"Oh really?" I tilt my head and slowly move a start hair out of the way "Why is that?"

"I-I-I" I smirk more seeing her flustered "This is unacceptable! The other two already said I had control!"

"I'm not the other two" I turn away and start walking toward the chairs "I'm the top bitch to you"

I see everyone's eyes wide. I just put the HBIC in her place! I walk over where the trophy is sitting and pick it up. I look at the club.


-Shelby pov-
The babies are healthy and we have the gender envelop. The girls apparently have Cherry doing this. She wants to be the one who knows the genders. I have a issue with that though.

I'm the grandma! I should know what my granddaughter is. I wonder if I can sneak information from her. We are on our way to the school right now.

"You know we could go home" I look at Rachel "If it's too much to be around people"

"I wanna be there" Rachel looks at me with a smile "The club one! I wanna celebrate!"

I nod and keep driving. We eventually get to the school and park. We get out and head inside. We walk to the club room and stop at the door.

Everyone is dancing around hooligans. I look at the drinks and walk over. I pick it up and look at Judy. She's definitely wasted. She opened the wrong cabinet.

"Don't drink anything baby girl" Rachel gives me a confused look "Judy brought the alcohol"

"Selby!" Judy stumbles over to me "You lok so beutifyl!"

"Judy you brought whiskey" She looks at me confused "You're drunk and so are the students!"

"Yes they are" I jump at Sues voice "Gonna suck when they have to run at practice"

I look at Sue shocked "You wouldn't!" She nods and I look at the girls "They are going to vomit everywhere"

"Yes they will" Sue chuckles "They'll never wanna drink again"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now