Chapter 59

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-Judy pov-
The peace lasted three weeks. Three solid weeks. There were three things that lead to chaos today. The girl with brain damage was in charge of the gender cake, the decorations were preordered, and the food was supposed to made by today.

So now while the girls are at school being distracted...IM BUSY FIXING EVERYTHING! Cherry got the cake but something went wrong and now it has to be remade. She said the baker will have it ready in time. I just hope it's truly ready.

I am at home with Holly cooking. We are trying to make snacks and food. The whole club and some Cheerios are coming. We all were surprised how many Cheerios actually liked us.

So now we are trying our best to get this done. There is the issue that we lost our third set of hands. That was because we needed Fran to watch Beth and Amelia.

I don't think she really minds though. I just need to get this done. I feel a hand on my shoulder and sigh. I turn and look at Holly.

"Sit down" I shake my head and go back to making food "Judy you've been at this all morning! Please just take a breather!"

"No" I step away and start on the cookies "This needs to be perfect"

"Mom come on" I ignore Fran and keeping cooking "Mom come sit with Amelia and Beth"

"No they aren't important right now" I pour out the dough and put the cookie sheet in the oven "I need to get this done"

"Go sit with your grandkid and daughter" I hear Fran walk closer "Take a break"

"The kids not my daughter and she's not my granddaughter anymore" I check the temp on the meat "This isn't heated enough and Amelia isn't my granddaughter"

"I can't believe what I'm hearing from you" I look up at Fran "Those two little girls love you! Yeah your granddaughter is your daughter now but so what?! And Amelia is your granddaughter!"

"No she's not" I sigh and turn away "I got stuff to do"

I hear a scoff and feet walk away. I sigh again and go back to fixing the food. I hear stomping and a paper placed down. Footsteps leave and I'm left in silence.

After a bit I finally turn around. I see I'm alone and there's a paper on the counter. I pick it up and look over it. I feel tears flood my eyes.

'Adoptive parents.
X Lucy Fabray X Rachel Berry
——————— ————————

God mother.
X Santana Lopez

I slide down the counter and put down the paper. I cover my face and cry. How stupid could I be? How stupid am I?

After a few minutes I stand up. I look at the food and get back to it. What else can I do? I just chased away part of my world.

I have helped them discuss their issues but I won't come clean about mine. I have trust issues but won't talk about it. I won't tell the truth about it.

I keep pushing my girlfriends away. I don't wanna lose them. I can't lose them. They make me better.

Now I just gotta make this food and hope. Hope I haven't messed up too much this time. Hope I can be forgiven by them. Hope they will still love me.

-Time skip-
The house is setup fully. Decorations go all the way to the backyard. Everything looks amazing. I just hope it's amazing.

I feel my body worn out from everything I've done today. It's been a strenuous day. I see everyone start to appear and smile. It fades as I see Fran walk in with the babies.

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now