Chapter 34: A Fapezberry christmas

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-Shelby pov-
"WAKE UP!" I groan at the sound of yelling and then more when I feel weight on my stomach "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

"I'm up" I open my eyes to see Rachel with Beth on me "Hey baby girls"

"It's my first family Christmas!" Rachel's smile looks like it could split her face "Come on! Everyone is waiting for you!"

I chuckle and sit up "Get off of me and I could get up" Rachel is quickly off with a giggling Beth "Let's go"

I get up out of the bed and follow the duo out of the room. I am greeted by a cup of coffee and a kiss from Maribel. I smile as we speak walk to the living room. Everyone is in their own separate little groups.

"Morning sleeping beauty" I glare who Judy who just shrugs "Act like you had a late night"

"I'm gonna shoot you" Judy rolls her eyes "Your gift best be phenomenal"

"It will" Judy looks at Santana for help "Right?"

"Yeeeaaah" Santana looks at Rachel "We ready?"

Gift giving goes by quickly and soon we are waiting by the back door. Judy has a big smile on her face and I am getting impatient. All the other gifts were so easy to give! Well minus the crib that we's still just sitting by the closet.

"Alright!" Judy claps and smiles "Let's check out what took us so long to build!"

"You mean what you two snuck out to do?" Santana looks away and Judy pouts "Let's go"

Judy opens the door and leads to the porch. Fran and Emma are obviously surprised since they didn't know what happened. We walk out to see two huge tarps. I look at Judy confused.

"Oh yeah!" Judy pulls out a remote and the tarps slowly retract to show a pool and a hot tube "Tada!"

I watch Judy walk to the hot tub and turn it on. Slowly the bubbles start going and steam starts to come out some. I smile and start walking over to it just to be stopped.

"What are you doing?" I look at Judy confused again "Clothes genius"

"Oh yeah" I step back and give an embarrassed wave to the family as they laugh "I know"

Everyone heads back inside and grabs a towel then changes into swimwear. I head back downstairs and see Rachel pouting. I'm confused and then it clicks why she's upset. I go to comfort her but I get stopped by Emma.

"Can I?" I look at her confused and she nods at Rachel "I'm a councilor and while that doesn't beat mom...I think I could help"

"Thatd be great Emma" She smiles and walks over to Rachel "Please help my baby girl"

-Emma pov-
I slowly sit next to Rachel to read the situation. She's eerily quiet compared to how she normally is. I scoot closer and she finally looks at me. I can see she's very visibly upset right now.

"Hey" She nods and looks away "You ok?"

She lets out a sarcastic chuckle "Do I look ok" She shakes her Head and sighs "I can't even go enjoy time with my girlfriends cause I'm pregnant"

"You secret regret it don't you" Rachel looks at me shocked but I go on "You secretly regret that your pregnant don't you? I won't say anything you don't want me to"

"I want the baby to be born around love" Rachel starts breaking down and I pull her close to me "Am I a bad mother for feeling like this?"

"No" I ran a hand through her hair for comfort "You are a teen with big dreams! This baby wasn't in them but now it is right?"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now